1. horse meat is better then chicken,or pork

    1. Re bikpet: “horse meat is better then chicken,or pork”

    2. You obviously don't know what they are doing to horses nowadays. Let me let you in on a secret my friend. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Dxuk-Xtal8
      Hint, the reason you probably won't eat sheep meat again either. You will very rarely have this problem with PORK!
      wink, wink, LOL!

  2. I am surprised nobody has remembered the 'where's the beef?' Burger King commercials from 30 years ago that took a lot of business away from Mcdonalds….we all have to make people aware of how toxic this food is and they will all go out of business!!!

    1. Where's the beef was a Wendy's commercial, but your point is good!

  3. I was lucky enough to go to school in europe and travel extensively afterward. As such I encountered horse meat being served in Paris, it has a distinct smell and is very oily. I am an animal lover and in particular a horse lover and although I am a meat eater and have no problem with beef, chicken etc, I prefer not to eat horses if I can help it. Interestingly I have encountered the strong distinct smell of horse meat here in the U.S. at a couple of restaurants that shall remain nameless and have left those restaurants without eating there and have never gone there again. I have told my family that I was suspicious that there was horse meat being served in those restaurants and so am not surprised at what is going on in the UK . I await to hear what will be found in the US meat supply.

  4. Horsemeat is better for you

  5. yankee phil says:

    Solient green is coming from the next economic disaster.

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