1. blank ewcollins says:

    Does anyone here actually eat at Burger King? If they do, then they deserve whatever they get.
    If one does eat meat, then as long as this meat has been raised for human consumption, it really makes no difference whether it is cow, horse or donkey.

    1. blank David Cayford says:

      Horsemeat is very tasty and lean,you have to add butter or olive oil to prevent the meat from sticking,i used to buy horsemeat from a local bar which had a laundrimatt,so you could watch some TV and do your laundry and also enjoy some good tap Beer and excellent horseburgers.i would buy the loin at very reasonable prices and a whole big bunch of frozen horseburgers.these horses had run in the Races all their short lives,and the owners did not want to keep feeding them when they started to slow down and wear out,,these are beautiful horses in the prime of their lives,3 or 4 years old,they are fed the best grains and grass,brushed and cleaned everyday,and then are killed,so what to do with the carcass?should we waste this prime Flesh or harvest the remains for the enjoyment of those who eat meat,,of course,we will use this resource,we should not waste the gifts of nature,,you see?

      1. You are so mistaken. Thoroughbred racehorses, any competitive horses, are fed so many drugs just to keep them sound. Prime Flesh ? ? Do a bit of research before you write nonsense –

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