1. Joseph Lizak says:

    Big Pharma in collusion with some in our government are using these pills to banish guns from our society. Here’s how. Like lab rats big pharma knows that if you give 10,000 people anti depressants that 200 of those people will become irrationally violent. Of those 200 maybe one or two will pick up a gun and either kill themselves or others. Now move that figure up to around 20 million people on these drugs and now you know why you see mass shootings in schools about once per year. It’s all in the numbers. It’s just like a mathematical equation that’s fool proof, it’s a fact, it can’t be denied, and our government knows this. Why do you think that every time there’s a school shooting it’s “plastered” all over the media, endlessly. How many times do you hear about the blood tests of the shooter and whether he’s on Prosac? Hardly ever. They don’t want you to make the connection. End results! A reason to take all of our firearms. Or at the very least leave us all with bb guns or single shot musket rifles. And by the way, my Walmart is STILL out of ammunition.

  2. Yeah, “glyphosate is completely harmless”. Right! Just ask the 186 thousand men that came home from Nam due to Agent Orange sickness. Just ask the 3 million Vietnamese that got sick and die then and since the war. Also ask the thousands of mutated Vietnamese children that are born each year thanks to Agent Orange. Glyphosate is part of the building block for Agent Orange and is nasty as it can get.
    Pig-weed has become immune to herbicides and is causing havoc to farm equipment, so a farmers solution is to use more of it. This creates more poison in the soil, the air, groundwater, and in our food. I would rather see our representatives put their foot down and have farmers make weeding a responsibility of farming, and not waste money on overpriced toxins and seeds.
    We can do our share by not buying processed food-like foods, and not buy GMO fed animals and crops. This should also include farm raised fish, which are fed gmo feed and antibiotics. 87% of the antibiotic used in the US is used on Co-op raised animals. Why? Just to make them grow bigger and faster and this poison is passed on to the eaters of same.

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