1. blank Jordan Vdb says:

    I work in the fruit and vege business. I’ve talked with a few who give out organic licenses.
    Organic licensing is a corporate business and they also have priorities for profits.
    They approve many licenses with below par specifications.
    Many say they have organic produce, when it in fact isn’t (you see these claimers at local markets buying non-organic produce, very very amusing to see!)
    Organic licenses still have pesticides.
    Typically 10-20% of the normal regulated amount of spray used on non-organic crops.
    They also can use non-synthetic natural ingredients as pesticides.
    These have been shown recently in studies to still have negative health effects, making no difference.
    Either way they are made to kill creatures, these chemicals natural or not change our gene expression and cause abnormal cells.
    NOTE: You DON’T need organic for all produce.
    Such as bananas and pumpkins where the pesticides doesn’t penetrate the skin membrane. Apples and pears for example would be better off being organic.
    Organic is an improvement, but not the best.
    The only way to avoid them is companion grown fruit and vegetables (spray-free) using 2 plants in the same bed to fend-off each other’s pests.

    1. You can eat pumpkin skin and pumpkin skin is VERY annoying to peel. Get pumpkin organic.

      1. blank Jordan Vdb says:

        Didn’t think of that, as my personal preference is to remove the skin, cheers for pointing that out 😛

    2. Bananas and pumpkins may not be effected through the skin, but ALL plants that are sprayed with poisons are effected by chemicals through their root system. So all these sprayed food plants have toxic poisons inside of them.
      Nets, friendly predators, green houses, and flowers in the garden are a safer solution to the home organic garden.

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