1. They obviously are being controlled by the people that stand to loose a lot of money!!Keeping people sick and hanging on ,is a huge moneymaking racket!!!!Do you really think. these people are going to admit and. deny!

  2. Onions, garlic, turmeric do all this with no psychoactive effect and kills the bacteria causing your body order.

    1. Very true tmas; (but you can’t make clothing, fuel and cooking oil, rope, automobile bodies stronger than steel, 2×4’s etc, stronger than wood or steel, the list goes on), out of the fine foods you mentioned. This is why the drug, cotton, steel, etc. industries have been fighting to keep even non narcotic hemp off of the market. Too much competition!
      Back about the time the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp by Thomas Payne, (and re-written) by his good friend Thomas Jefferson, farmers were required to put aside at least 5 acres to grow hemp for paper.

    2. NoWarsToFight says:

      No Psychoactive Effect?
      What a rip off.

  3. I often referred to congress as treasoness for this very reason. The illegal action of criminalizing so beneficial a plant is literally treason. It was so back in the late 30’s and it is still so today.

  4. I am Hindu and the “sacred grass” in Hindu scripture and worship is “kusha” grass not even close to the same genus as marijuana. I am not aware of any Hindu spiritual path that includes marijuana use of any kind let alone being in the Vedic scriptures. Nor am I aware of any Hindu healers ever using marijuana in their practice. There are many plants that heal that Hindu’s use and the basic healing understanding is that the foods we eat daily are our medicine for a healthy mind, body and soul.

  5. Dragging their feet while the pink ribbon suckers keep rolling along! How sad is it that our world is run by money and greed, as this proves once again!

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