1. blank Lawrence Goodwin says:

    “Far from just causing psychological changes in a person, the active plant compounds in cannabis are now even reversing brain cancer. This plant’s benefits are simply amazing.”
    I am very grateful to you, Christina Sarich, for so eloquently correcting the record on cannabis plants used for medical purposes in the United States. The record shows, quite clearly, that cannabis extracts were commonly prescribed as medicine by U.S. doctors for about 90 years (1850-1940s), until petty tyrants in high places basically stole such remedies from the people. For the last 44 years, hysterical politicians and cowardly media professionals have dominated our entire national cannabis policy.
    The Spanish slang word “marihuana” was codified into U.S. law through the 1970 Controlled Substances Act (CSA), spelling instant doom for medical cannabis because of that word’s placement in CSA Schedule I–the category for drugs with “no accepted medical value” and a “high potential for abuse.” In 1988, the Drug Enforcement Administration’s own judge strongly recommended moving “marihuana” to Schedule II, calling it “one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man [and woman].” But President Ronald “Just Say No” Reagan totally ignored that recommendation, ensuring many more years of denials of medical cannabis to millions of ailing Americans.
    Thanks again, Ms. Sarich. May your articles ensure that the end of this madness is nigh. The war on “marihuana” always has been a threat to our republic; maybe even a crime against humanity.

  2. blank Rev. Dean Rose says:

    I wish my younger cousin Larry had known about this before he died from a long battle with cancer using the “legal but lethal” methods prescribed by his doctors.

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