1. Olalaberry says:

    It is nor at all advisable to blend wheat grass, you must juice it to receive it’s nutritional benefits. Humans are not equipped to digest such fibrous grasses or plants and it could easily disrupt your digestive system’s normal functioning. The softer green leaves are much better to blend and it’s recommended to de-stem the more fibrous leafy greens such as kale etc. Otherwise happy blending!

  2. GreenSquirl says:

    I juice quite a bit, and I have never seen carrots as a base for most juices. Yes they are used in many different juices, but there are many juices they are not used in. Fennel, pear and apple, for one. A regular mean green by almost any juicers book does not have carrots in it. Nearly half of all my juices are GREEN. There are reasons to juice exclusively, and reasons to mix it up. As you DID point out, it’s not always for every one. A good balance that fits the individual is what is considered optimal. This has been one of the better articles I have seen. Thank you.

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