100-Page Report Outlines Why the American Cancer Society is a Scam

We can thank Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., Professor Emeritus for Environmental and Occupational Medicine at the University of Illinois, and many others for shining a light on an institution that is more concerned with lining their pockets than stopping cancer – the American Cancer Society (ACS). A scam? A Hoax. Let’s take a look at what’s going on.
Hopefully, after reading highlights from this more than 100-page document outlining the shady dealings of the American Cancer Society with Big Pharma and its neglect in discussing environmental factors which add to cancer rates, you will boycott them all and leave them with nothing but lint in their pockets.
It’s over-reported news by now, that the cancer industry is a multi-billion-dollar cash machine. The only way that machine can keep running is when information – such as the ways natural solutions like soursop fruit or
The American Cancer Society also promotes companies who make cancer drugs, and totally skip over some of the natural and simple treatments that are offered by Mother Nature.
The Wealthiest ‘Non-Profit’ in the World
Granted, half of the cancer charities that AIP rates in a Charity Rating Guide receive a D or F grade and only 37% receive an A or B, but the ACS should fall off the scale. The ACS is the world’s wealthiest ‘nonprofit’ institution. THE WEALTHIEST.
According to James Bennett, professor of economics at George Mason University and recognized authority on charitable organizations, the ACS held a fund balance of over $400 million with about $69 million of holdings in land, buildings, and equipment in 1988. Of that money, the ACS spent only $90 million— 26% of its budget— on medical research and programs. [1]
The rest covered “operating expenses,” including about 60% for generous salaries, pensions, executive benefits, and overhead. By 1989, the cash reserves of the ACS were worth more than $700 million. This does not account for the sharply-climbing prices of cancer and other drugs in the past two decades. [2]
Despite having more money than any other charitable organization, the ACS bears a major responsibility for losing the winnable war against cancer. Hundreds of alternative methods for treating cancer are ignored. That ‘non-profit’ title should be stripped from them.
Who Funds the ACS?
The ACS is in bed with just about every major player in the cancer-is-money-scheme. Their ties to Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Biotech, and Big Food are all apparent in Dr. Epstein’s paper:
- The ACS has a committee which seeks to destroy all non-patentable, non-toxic, generally cheap therapies, in favor of expensive, toxic chemotherapy and drug remedies alone.
- The ACS completely ignores Natural Resources Defense Council reports such as the 1989, ‘Intolerable Risk: Pesticides in our Children’s Food’ that links pesticide exposure to cancer in children. The ACS is clearly in bed with the pesticide industry.
- The ACS is also bedfellows with the mammography industry.
- The ACS is supported handsomely by the biotech industry.
- The ACS is also supported by the cosmetics industry.
- Junk food companies donate heavily to the ACS.
- Petrochemical companies donate to the ACS.
- Pharmaceutical companies like Astra Zeneca are directly promoted through the ACS.
The ACS, along with the National Cancer Institute, almost exclusively focus on cancer research and the diagnosis and the chemical treatment of cancer. Preventive strategies, such as avoiding environmental toxins (found in products like cosmetics or cleaning products), changing one’s diet, and reducing exposure to pesticides receive virtually no consideration at all.
Epstein writes:
“Giant corporations, which profited handsomely while they polluted air, water, the workplace, and food with a wide range of carcinogens, remain greatly comforted by the silence of the ACS. This silence reflected a complex of mindsets fixated on diagnosis, treatment, and basic genetic research, together with ignorance, indifference, and even hostility to prevention. Not surprisingly, the incidence of cancer over past decades has escalated, approximately parallel to its increased funding.”
The next new cancer drug is just around the corner, and you can bet it won’t be cheap…or effective. After more than forty years mainstream medicine still offers less than a 3% cure rate over 5 years. Why? Well, the sad reality is that it’s too profitable for us to stay sick.
Does your insurance cover the latest cancer drug that costs $159 to make, but sells for $106,000? The cost of cancer drugs has skyrocketed lately by more than 5000%, and this is not the exception, but the rule. Despite this gob-smacking display of greed, we continue to finance not only the pharmaceutical industry, but ‘charitable organizations’ that are nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing.
In 2014, there will be an estimated 1,665,540 new cancer cases diagnosed and 585,720 cancer deaths in the US. Approximately $6 billion of tax-payer funds are cycled through various federal agencies for cancer research, such as the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The NCI states that the medical costs of cancer care are $125 billion, with a projected 39% increase to $173 billion by 2020. The ACS is the ghost in the machine running this mayhem.
The company has close ties to the makers of mammography equipment as well. They also receive financial support from the biotech industry, cosmetic companies, the junk food industry and petro-chemical companies.
Just one example of how the ACS is corrupt can be seen with their ‘awareness’ push for breast cancer. Big pharma giant AstraZeneca has made multimillion dollar contributions to ACS, influencing just about everything that the ACS does – every poster, leaflet or commercial product about Breast Cancer Awareness you can think of.
These publications focus almost exclusively on mammography and don’t mention a word about carcinogenic foods, or aluminum in deodorants. There is no spoken word of breast cancer prevention via natural, inexpensive means, while touting the ‘cure’ of mammography and cancer drugs.
Is this really the organization you want to get your anti-cancer advice from? In this crazy world, you have to always be aware of the money trail. It pervades almost every industry, and keeps real, helpful information from being disseminated to the masses.
Instead of listening to the ACS, try reading some of these articles instead about natural cancer cures:
- UCLA Study Proves Radiation Therapy Makes Breast Cancer Worse
- Ginger Root Kills Ovarian And Prostate Cancer Better Than Chemo
- Breakthrough Study: Probiotics Cure Cancer Patients
- Tropical Fruit: Soursop Cure For Cancer?
Additional Sources:
[1] Bennett, J. T. Health research charities: Doing little in research but emphasizing politics. Union Leader, Manchester, N. H., September 20, 1990
[2] Bennett, J. T., and DiLorenzo, T. J. Unhealthy Charities: Hazardous to Your Health and Wealth. Basic Books, New York, 1994.
The corruption of the ACS can also be witnessed in their history of denial about the true risks of radiation from mammography (discussed in the e-book “The Mammogram Myth: The Independent Investigation Of Mammography The Medical Profession Doesn’t Want You To Know About” by Rolf Hefti). Fact is the entire cancer industry, including the ACS, is a racket. Anyone who scrutinizes the matter beyond the official story will quickly learn that.
A Scam is right. The War on Cancer has been a monumental failure. The incidence of Cancer has not changed in 30 years. Money continues to flow, people continue to die and anyone associated with western medicine/pharamceutical Industries are rewarded. What a Scam.
I wonder how many criminals are drinking the red (blood) wine of success ! All on the backs of the sick. Pathetic creatures that deserve no mercy.
Actually, not only has it not changed but incidence of cancer has gone up from about 1 in 20 to 1 in 5.
Looks like you missed out on the grammar gene.
1. Sorry about your loss but fatalists are profoundly useless Nynja.
2. The article is about the ACS, not “everything in this damned world”.
As an 11 time cancer survivor and three time national champion swimmer I was nominated to be one of ACS “Heros of Hope” I can tell you I’ve spent weeks doing research on the worlds most wealthy nonprofits. THEY ARE ALL CROOKS!!!!!
showing to a friend and hopefully this will be on FACEBOOK
The “war on cancer” does work. It’s brought to you by the same people who brought you the “war on drugs”, and we can see how well that is working, why we even have a dope head in the white house.
One word: Woo