1. I do not know where you are getting your info. on when it was tested and studied. But, the dates/years are not right. This was discovered much earlier than 1996. And there is scientific proof that sour sop fruit, that what is being said is valid. Get your facts straight!

  2. blank Khun Siwalai says:

    Soursop is available abundantly in Honolulu Chinatown for about 2.99 @ Lb
    see ya in Paradise

  3. it is GUANABANA or… graviola… you misspelled the word. and Yes it prevents cancer and can fight some cancers. like AMLA (indian fruit) like black cumin, etc etc…

  4. Interestingly enough, but there is a fruit grown right here in the South Eastern US that is 40% more effective that Graviola. What makes me more curious is that it is never seem at the market in the US, at least I have never seen it. It grows both wild and domesticated and goes by the name Paw Paw, a banana tasting fruit.

  5. We’re talking about a cure for cancer and your worrying about dates?!

    1. blank yolisamazinghemp says:

      Save dates are part of truth big pharma would like us to be spreading thier brainwash while they distroyed God’S pharmacy.with misinformation they train the masses to speak their code words against real traditional medicine.which they have you call alternatives when they are the alternative.
      The did. It with industrial hemp by having the people call it Cannibis.without defining which cannabis plant among many like lemons,lavender,hops,stinging nettle,marijuana,pine,industrial hemp etc

  6. A leading drug manufacturer study graviola for 10 years
    and all results were positive that graviola cured cancer. There was but
    one problem, they couldn’t synthesize it. If they cannot synthesize it,
    by law they cannot sell it as a drug. Instead of telling the world, they shelve it.
    The American and National Cancer Societies know about graviola, but
    fund raising is a multi-billion dollar industry they do not want to

  7. You can buy it also in Puerto Rico,.. which is a USA territory and have the same Federal Goverment safety guideline to grow fruits.

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