1. Undecider says:

    Solution. Construct hermetically sealed biodomes.

    1. ConsSthLady says:

      How does one do that? And how much does it cost? Who do you suggest should do that, Monsanto, or the little farmers who are trying to protect their crop? Someone suggested establishing our own bee hives. Good idea, but it won’t stop the problem, just slow it.

  2. whiteaglesoaring says:

    BAN GMO! Burn GMO fields! Uproot GMO crops! Boycott Monsanto products! Don’t waste time with labeling! BAN, BURN, UPROOT, BOYCOTT! There is no way to play nice with environmental criminals.

  3. Admiral America says:

    Monstanto, and all it’s top executives should be tried for crimes against humanity. If nothing else destroys this planet it will be evil corporations such as Monsanto & their GMO BS!

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