1. This is no different than killing ants, poison them thru their food and they take it back to family and kill them to or make them sick for the future insuring big pharma lots of clients

    1. Wish more people like you could WAKE UP…cheers

      1. Amen! Absolute Bottom Line…grow your own from organic heirloom seeds, so that you can save the seeds to plant the next year. Hopefully, you have enough space between you and BigAg farms to assure that your seeds were not polluted by their inferior GMO seeds! If you can not grow your own, join a local organic farm co-op or buy only USDA certified organic (with the little label on the front), although there are pitfalls there, too. For instance, you can buy oganic canned tomatoes, but when you open the can, you will notice that it has BPA lining the interior of the can. Remember…the only real vote you have regarding what is sold in the grocery store is with you dollar! If you can not find something you want organic, ask for it. Start demanding that the food you buy your family is organic and NOT the over-produced, nutrient free, chemically laden "soylent green" main stream "food" offered in most grocery stores! Get active, people…it's YOUR life that is at stake! Peace, out.

  2. and some say that horse meat is bad.

  3. Prop 37's demise was rigged anyway. Whole Foods signed the petition but
    contributed nothing.

  4. Philip Higson says:

    You left out fluoride!

  5. And the air! What are your thoughts on Chemtrails?

  6. Michael Evans says:

    many people have for gotten Captain Morgan. he was a martyr to the freedom of writing printing and speaking the truth. he was murdered for exposing the secrets of free masonry. check out the video ” secret mysteries of America’s beginnings” volume 1 the New Atlantis nothing has changed. the free masonry organization has a distinct independent government with in our own government and beyond the control of the law of the land by means of secrecy

  7. Leslie Cole says:

    The antibiotic claim caught my eye. I have not been on antibiotics for years and have only been slightly ill one time and that was while everyone else was getting the flu this past season. I felt 'bad' for about a day. Had a wonderful doctor who would write me a prescription for antibiotics but would also tell me not to get it filled or take them unless I thought I just had to use them. Seems he had some good advice. Also seems the people that get the sickest are the ones on antibiotics for every little ailment.

  8. If you just consider corn and soy and byproducts of…then go into a store and make a check mark for every item that has those products in them…hard to avoid…a little here and there in everything ='s a whole lot…company's are big on 'acceptable amts' per product…consider wheat alone, flour, breads, cereals…any wonder cancers from birth on?…that doesn't include chemicals other than what goes in/on food crops…artificial sweeteners, dyes, preservitives and a host of other things…our bodies must be having trouble regenerating every 7 years by now…almost have to do a blind study on individuals to find out how much chemical etc is being taken in per/day for a month to start…w/b interesting

    1. * at least you're awake & aware…we just need to wake up the 100th 'human' lol

    2. Being awake and aware is the first step but like Mary says what can you do when these products are the majority of what there is to buy/eat??
      There is something wrong with this picture. Could it be the corporatocracy?

      1. * 'your mamma didn't raise no fool'

  9. The blood test taken from the heel of every newborn almost world wide has nothing to do with the health of the baby and much to do with checking that the child will be unhealthy, recording its dna markers and is also stored on a database forever. No choices there, also the vitamin K jab whether you want your baby to have it or not. gets toxins into the newborn within minutes of birth

  10. Christinne says:


  11. The wealthy bribe the politicians who pass weakened environmental & safety laws. That ‘s not blame, that’s a fact!

  12. CLEANANDKRAZY64 says:


  13. We all use the planet, not all destroy it.
    I am a republican free market Austrian Capitalist.
    What we see in American corporations is not Capitalism. It is a counterfeit. It looks like Capitalism on the surface.
    This is corporate socialism now. Socialists (Marxists/Communists) destroy everything in their paths and blame it on Capitalism, because Americans no longer understand the implications of that word in depth.

  14. What you can do is not buy any of it. That’s what I started doing years ago. Just buy what you know is good for you and that you will eat in a week or less. No junk food, chips, etc. There are crackers and chips that are organic, but they are really just filler. Try to give up meat. It’s easier than you think once you know what the animals have to go through!

  15. Direct THAT to your city council. (Hopefully your city doesn’t have a ‘City Manager’, which is an International Banker Agent. CMs don’t listen to anybody.)

  16. Is ‘Evergreen Corp’ still contracted?

  17. You are control at every level…it’s a matter of time before organic farms are wiped out. Get serious and do your research.

  18. I’m so glad I had my sons at home. No one OWNS their DNA.

  19. No…just CERTAIN corporations. Do your research. For example Mansanto, who brought us Agent Orange during the Vietnam War, now they are the one’s manufacturing GMO. This is not a name calling “game”. This is REALITY. It’s just that the majority of our population would rather sleep and not deal with it.

  20. That’s because those others are perhaps Vitamin D deficient. Since upping my vit D3 my levels have been optimal, and I get tested annually. I haven’t been sick with colds and flus for about 5 years now!

  21. I haven’t bought into Kashi for over a year now!

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