Vitamin D Defeats Depression Naturally, Without Nasty Side Effects

Studied across a wide variety (81000 count) of women of various paths and lifestyles, Vitamin D when found in natural food sources had been related to significantly lower depressive symptoms among women than those who do not consume foods rich in Vitamin D.
The researchers particularly involved in the study seem to be under the impression that Vitamin D, in addition to being a crucial part of the human body’s chemistry, may directly affect the functioning dopamine and norepinephrine receptors, causing an imbalance in the brain which may lead to depressive symptoms.
It’s not a secret that Vitamin D is known to fend off depression.
A study among the elderly in 2006 showed that those with lower levels of vitamin D were many times more likely to be depressed as those with healthy doses, sometimes upwards of 11 times more likely.
Depression Improved Even with Vitamin D Levels Significantly Lower than Optimal
The most current study revealed that those who consumed more than 400 IU of Vitamin D from food sources was correlated with up to a 20 percent lower risk of depressive symptoms, when compared to those who consumed 4 times less.
Related Read: Vitamin D Benefits
Unfortunately 400 IU is but a scratch on the surface of the benefits that could be reaped from this powerful necessity: Most adults should be taking upwards of 5,000 IU into their systems daily in order to partially receive these benefits.
Such increased effects, though intended fully by nature to be harvested from the sun, can be found in supplemental packages as well as sparsely in some food groups.
Though it is better to get it from the sun, supplements will sustain the body’s need for this crucial component of both mental and physical health. Ironically enough sunlight exposure is something argued against by public health departments in order to prevent cancer, when in fact the Vitamin D accumulated from such exposure actually prevents cancer.
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Vitamin D does just about everything. Great article.
be sure that your doctor is monitoring your blood because taking 5,000 iu or more a day can have side effects such as calciu deposits, kidney problems, and heart problems. I've been taking high doses of vitamin D for two weeks now and it is making me feel exhausted, irritable, and possibly leading towards depressed. danged if you do danged if you dont.