1. blank Undecider says:

    What can be said of the “unscientific” methodology or rationale for implementing municipal water fluoridation?

  2. blank Rev. Dean says:

    It is GEM’s or genetically ENGINEERED organisms which are the problem. All organisms are genetically modified naturally; only those engineered with pesticides are bad for us.

    1. blank Just Saying says:

      Hard to believe anyone in this day and age would ask such a (fill in the blank)_____ question. Maybe you forgot to turn your brain on?

  3. blank Admiral America says:

    I’m not sure why it has to be a big secret to know what is in the food we’re paying for unless they have something to hide! Even before GMO’s I’ve always felt the labels are incomplete especially with vague ingredients such as “natural and artificial flavors”. We should also know what nations the ingredients are coming from, and where the final product was created.

  4. It’s stuff LUST LIKE THIS that caused me to abandon Scientific as an unbiased source of good science info years ago.

  5. well, “scientific american” just lost all credibility with this one.

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