1. It's definitionally impossible to patent a known substance, and you must know that if you claim to have any knowledge of this field. So Nestlé must be claiming to have found a novel and inventive new use. Either it has, or it hasn't. If the use is known, it hasn't, and the patent won't be granted. Not much of a story.

    1. The story is useful as yet another reason not to buy anything from Nesstle. They are trying to own the water rights so people have to buy water from a corporation. It’s your comment and mind set that are of no use to anyone reading this article. Break yourself off a piece of a kit Kat bar you slave.

    2. blank Anonymous says:

      You're wrong, Rob. TODAY it is impossible for a company to patent a plant — tomorrow or a month from now, that could easily change. You see how the food industry 'invented' Bifidus regularis then patented it as a proprietary bacteria in order to market Activia. There are several naturally-occurring bacteria that turn milk into yogurt & provide health benefits for those who eat it. I could slap Jamie Lee Crutis, I'm so sick of seeing her in those Activia commercials. But have you ever seen a commercial for a yogurt-maker? You can buy one at WalMart for under $30. But the stupid sheep would rather buy yogurt made from lab-created bacteria than make their own.

      1. blank Anonymous says:

        … Monsanto has spent millions to prevent the labeling of GE foods for years now — & they're still willing despte the fact that 93% of Americans want their food labeled. (Think of just how incredible it is for 93% of this country to agree on ANYTHING.) The flip side of that is how multinational corps. managed to convince the EU to designate nearly all herbal remedies as the equivalent of drugs back in 2011 & legislate that herbal treatments can't be made without a license or purchased without an Rx from a "registered herbal practitioner". Who did that benefit? Nobody except the large European phytopharmaceutical companies.

        1. blank Anonymous says:

          … This happened with virtually no media coverage here in the states of such a monumental change in European law. It happened on the same continent where people care deeply about their food & wines, where the French still zealously claim appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC) designation for their most prized foods. Yet Big Pharma was able to use its money & muscle to convince the EU leaders to usurp the right of their citizens to treat themselves with herbs & essential oils. And there were no riots in the streets when it happened.
          It's only a matter of time before Nestlé or some other demonic entity convinces our lawmakers to fidn a loophole to let them patent an God-given herb and claim it as their creation. All to make us dependent on Big Pharma for hebal remedies, which they will adulterate until they're as poisonous as the drugs you were takiing them to avoid. And long as the majoprity remains sick & tried & ignorant, they won't think about rebelling against their oppressors.
          These are truly The Last Days, folks. Read Your Bible, Watch & Pray

  2. If you live in the U.S., Kit Kat is made by Hershey’s. Everywhere, though, it is a Nestle product. Sorry to disappoint.
    Although, this article is incredibly useful. Did you know that, in 2010, Nestlé sold 52% of Alcon to Novartis for a cool $39.1 billion (US). This company is a powerhouse and it angers as well as concerns me to know that it is this massive. The company builds roads, farms, factories and whatever else it needs to become more dominant. It owns close to 8,000 brands.
    It’s good to have so much info available regarding Nestle and their products so that I, and others, can stay away from their products.

  3. blank Sami Riachy says:

    I live in Lebanon, a Mediterranean country, and people here have been using Nigella sativa for hundreds of years, its part of what we call ‘popular medicine’ I am offended to know that Nestle would even think of patenting this naturally-occurring herb (how would they stop it from growing naturally all over Lebanon and the region?) As of now, I have decided to stop using Nestle water at my house (and all of their other 8, 000 brands;)

  4. Nestle is also one of the prime offenders in the global baby formula scam. They give samples until the mother's milk dries up, then the family can't afford the formula, and the baby dies slowly from starvation and diarrhea (from the mom diluting the little formula she can buy). Millions of babies die of bottle baby disease yearly in developing countries. BOYCOTT THESE MONSTERS!

  5. Nestle's saying that water is not a human right will bring some bad karma as they are going to be mighty thirsty in Hell.

  6. blank Robin A Enos says:

    Change your diet to "organics" and products unregulated or owned by these corporation and you can change the way the world eats! STOP the Nestles, Monsantos, kellogs, Pepsico's and others from dictating your meals!!!

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