1. Hi Christine, there are many of us who want gmos and all other chemically-altered seeds banned, as well as chemical sprays for all crops. Labelling is great, but banning is the only way to save our world!

    1. Not eating processed foods and any GM crops will tell the big foods companies we are not interested in GMO foods. Don’t buy and they will not produce anything that will lose them money. We have the control, now we need the will.

      1. blank Isabel Cohen says:

        That’s easier said than done Dave! Almost everything in your local grocery store is gmo today so what can you buy?

  2. blank Angelo Isgro says:

    Then let’s do what the article says. Vote all Congressmen out of office regardless of affliation. This would send a strong message to the powers that be to start listening to the people and do what these poles suggest.

    1. I AGREE. If it’s not this issue we’re fighting them on, you can be sure something else will come up. My biggest concern is that not only do they not care about our opinion (92% is huge), but they are also harming our health for profit! Scary.

  3. Not to pick on president Obama, but he did say during his campaign speech, that he will see that our foods will be GMO labeled. I’m still holding my breath Mr president……

  4. OBAMA the fake American can executive order anything and everything down to detaining Americans indefinitely with no due process, but won’t let us know what we are eating? I’m sick of this, let’s fight already!!!! Any doubt that it’s poison? If GMO’s were good for ANYTHING, it would definitely be on the lable so they could market it better. Since everyone with 1/2 a brain knows GMO’s are worthless garbage, we should be outlawing them altogether.

  5. blank Kim Chul Soo says:

    It is absolutely horrible that lobbyist can overrule our citizenry. I remember seven to eight years ago battling with Kroger about labeling their BST milk. Their reply – ‘We don’t want to alarm anyone’
    More corporate BS.

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