1. What was in the ‘hot cocoa’? Milk? Sugar? Cocoa? Vanilla? Whipped cream? What did the cocoa replace? Did they take a few moments to relax? Did they chat ? What was the ritual? Too many questions unanswered to draw conclusions.

  2. blank mymydorothy says:

    That would mean ‘Dark’ hot Chocolate not the pre-mixed milk chocolate. You can buy the powdered dark chocolate ‘Nestle’s Cocoa Naturally Unsweetened’ in a can, then add your own sugar, vanilla, milk or water.

  3. blank greysurfer says:

    This was known over 250 years ago. The British chocolate manufacturer Joseph Fry was known to be an advocate of drinking cocoa, for the general well-being especially of the elderly……not because he was keen to sell it but because he believed in it. How did he know? No idea. But the old ‘uns knew a thing or two even back in those days….

  4. blank FrankyFreedom says:

    Natural cocoa contains high level of magnesium which is a powerful vasodialator mineral. As the blood vessels expand more blood can circulate to ALL parts of the body. Thus the brain receives more nutrients and oxygen which enables it to function better.

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