1. blank sophianlvr says:

    They also donate to stop labeling GMO legislation.
    AND, they use HFCS as well. Buy Hunts ketchup. No HFCS.

  2. blank Ruby Henderson says:

    This is exactly the cause of so much cancer and disease in our country. Our food is killing us. Too much junk in foods that harm the body. Always read the labels and they don’t tell us the truth. I stopped buying Hienz a long time ago. And be sure you do not buy food that comes from CHINA!!!

  3. blank Caroline Yunker says:

    I posted on a restaurant’s facebook asking them to switch out Heinz for ketchup with GMOs and natural flavors. They switched to Annie’s organic ketchup!! How easy was that? Why not start a national campaign to switch out GMO ketchup for organic ketchup like Annies who was a big supporter of Prop 37.

    1. blank JoeFarmer says:

      Please explain how you can think that vinegar (5% CH3COOH) could have any “GMO-ness”.

      1. blank Karen Glammeyer Medcoff says:

        vinegar is made from corn. corn is gmo

        1. blank JoeFarmer says:

          There’s no DNA in acetic acid, genius.

          1. blank Karen Glammeyer Medcoff says:

            actually, what the shame of the matter is, is you pretending to be a farmer, yet trying to recommend gmo’s.
            Simple FACT of the matter is, GMO’s are GARBAGE and we do NOT need them at ALL

          2. blank JoeFarmer says:

            I farm. I grow biotech and conventional crops
            Unlike you, I know something about science. If you actually took some basic life and physical science courses at your community college, you’d have a better understanding of the world.

          3. blank JoeFarmer says:

            Tell me about horizontal gene transfer.

          4. blank Karen Glammeyer Medcoff says:

            tell me about the safety of gmo’s and what kind of effects they have on other living organisms, what proteins they produce etc. Until then STFU. Because again, i STATE, GMO’s are GARBAGE and we DO NOT NEED THEM.

          5. blank JoeFarmer says:

            You do realize that horizontal gene transfer is nature’s version of transgenic genetic engineering, right?
            But instead I get a bunch of all caps ranting, none of it science-based.
            I’m beginning to think you weren’t telling the truth about your science grades.

          6. blank Karen Glammeyer Medcoff says:

            nature’s version. nuff said. I trust nature over scientists that have barely mapped out genes in the first place.

          7. blank JoeFarmer says:

            You trust nature to make random genetic mutations over precision plant breeding? Allrighty, then!

          8. blank Karen Glammeyer Medcoff says:

            precision plant breeding that’s hilarious. seriously. for mankind to think they he knows more about nature, cause and effect than actual nature, is laughable at best, horrifying at most.

          9. blank JoeFarmer says:

            We call it science.
            Do you believe in “intelligent design”? From you post, it would seem so.

          10. blank JoeFarmer says:

            You do realize that advances in medicine, agriculture, engineering and architecture are why people like you can rant on the interwebs, right?
            If you sincerely believe that making marijuana available to the population would be beneficial, the write your Congresspeople.

          11. blank Karen Glammeyer Medcoff says:

            I have written my congressmen and many others as well. and I ALSO know that a lot of the “advances” in medicine have proven fatal, and the health care business is about anything BUT keeping people healthy. there is no profit in a healthy citizen. there is only profit in the sick. which is why cancer “cures” kill more than they help. I don’t go to the doctor, and I am healthy. I also wasn’t vaccinated as a child. Still healthy.
            as for agriculture, i don’t use advances. i use what was passed on through generations of family farming. as for architecture, I built my house thank you very much.

      2. blank Caroline Yunker says:

        Heinz ketchup contains Natural Flavors. OFTEN that’s MSG and aspartame, both GMO additives. HFCS found in other ketchup is made from GMO corn.

  4. I noticed a while ago that Heinz tasted bad. I just thought it was me because I am a rare user of ketchup. I went out and bought a brand new container of Heinz and a brand new container of organic ketchup. I promptly threw away the Heinz after my taste test. There was an obvious chemical taste to Heinz and had I been a regular user, I might have acclimated to it and not noticed.

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