1. There seems to be slight error in this article. Flax seeds can be ground and kept in a jar for 4 to 5 weeks. For a longer period, they have to be refrigerated. There is no need for immediate consumption after grinding.
    The rest of the article seems to be correct. Thanks.

  2. Because most of us consume too much Omega 6 fatty acids, indiscriminate use of flax seed will not present a problem. However, if following the Budwig diet too long could reduce the Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio below the ideal ratio of 4:1 (the result of an Israeli study). Flax seeds have a high Omega 3 content and very low Omega 6.

  3. I would like to know what sort of dose is recommended in terms of skin damaged by Radiation and to protect vital tissues against Radiation damage. I will be subjected to Radiation of soft tissues at the back of my neck and at a dose that could harm the cervical spine and underlying structures?

  4. blank fanciladi says:

    Fantastic fiber, too!

  5. blank gmo2ashes says:

    Unfortunately, since flax is also now on the watch list of GMO contaminated foods, I no longer use the plant’s derivatives. Instead, I’ve switched to ground chia seeds which has the same benefits.

    1. Do you have data on this fact? I would like to see a good web site that states this fact.

  6. I know an elderly lady that was having radiation treatments, and I learned from her that these treatment were effecting her skin. She would use linseed oil capsules to help reduce the effects of the radiation. Linseed is aka flaxseed.

  7. Thank you Steve. I have said since my mother died of colon cancer 24 years ago, that if I ever did get cancer I would not go the slash, burn, poison route. There is a lot of cancer in my family so I’m on the alert.

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