1. blank yankee phil says:

    Marijuana is a drug that is used by organized crime to open the entertainment market for the harder drugs of cocaine,crack and heroin ,that they make far more money on. Keeping marijuana illegal puts access to it in the hands of the criminals who also push the hard addictive drugs along with pot. They control the marijuana supply and cut it off intentionally sometimes to promote the harder drugs as a perceived temporary replacement,hoping to create more addicts. Its the second oldest profession.

    1. blank Shaarinya says:

      do you know what you’re talking abut, or are you just another person regurgitating falsehoods.

      That was a rhetoric question…for you in fact DO NOT know what you’re talking about.

      1. blank NOTanAMERICAN says:

        Lol infowarrior/ Marijauna enthusiast

        1. blank Shaarinya says:

          is that supposed to be an insult?


          1. blank NOTanAMERICAN says:

            Lol not at all 😀 Lol what part of that statement was meant to be insulting?

          2. blank Shaarinya says:

            wasn’t sure if it was sarcasm or not 😉

            I was feeling all proud to be an infowarrior hehe

          3. blank NOTanAMERICAN says:

            Lol that’s so classic 🙂 no I was being serious 🙂 Lol proud infowarrior 🙂

          4. blank Shaarinya says:


            smilie wars!

          5. blank NOTanAMERICAN says:

            Lol have a cracker of a weekend . . . . Given up on Bloodborne for a bit so back to Gta5 this weekend . . . . have a good one ya

          6. blank Shaarinya says:

            GTA5 you say…

            one of my most favourite games ever! PS or Xbox?

          7. blank NOTanAMERICAN says:

            Lol PS4 I first had it on xbox 360 but when next gen arrived I couldn’t resist the ps4

    2. blank Linda Walker says:

      Alcohol is the door dumbass.

    3. Yankee you have no practical experience at all, you’re just spouting what you’ve heard or what you’ve been told. Your claims are ludicrious and have absolutely no scientific or even logical basis. I know people well who have Marijuana for over 20 years. I’ve NEVER touched another drug, besides a drink once in awhile. Pot is the antithesis of hard drugs like cocaine.

    4. blank boony tooty says:

      Read the story “why are drugs illegal”…..Google it and you will see who the real gangsters are!

  2. If you research with others who are actually using this option to battle cancer, you would see that a 1:1 ratio has increased chances of success with this form of treatment.

  3. blank Hummingbird Shaman says:

    Then explain Bob Marley ???

    1. Bob Marley only smoked it and we all know that in order to get the cancer killing anti-tumor effects and benefits, it has to be Cannabis oil. Bob Marley got skin cancer on his foot and he refused to use the oil or anything else besides smoking. His reasoning was to leave it up to God to determine if he dies or not.

  4. blank Raquel Negron says:

    So why deny what can help people get better and give them actually poison? Drugs with so many side effects that can kill an elephant? What is the logic behind this?

  5. blank boony tooty says:

    It ain’t going to be legal either, because the big pharma companies stand to lose billions of dollarsin revenue from useless treatments and the Gov willlose billions of dollars in taxes! So there you have it!

  6. blank boony tooty says:

    The stupid Feds wanted something to do after Prohibition ended, so they made up this BS story about how dangerous MJ was and how all the Mexicans were coming over the border to rape our women….hell, they even invented the Mexican sounding name Marijuana!

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