1. Basically the federal government would be happy if everybody would just go die. They hate your guts and everything that makes you who you are. They are the sworn enemy of every right human being who strives for compassion, love, understanding, knowledge and growth.

    1. haha, I completely agree with you, and it's sad that we allow these people to control/influence such personal decisions.

      1. blank Anonymous says:

        they been posessed by fallen angels. they are your enemy

  2. Free the Medicine Flower.

    Genesis Chapter One verse 28 goes something like " he gave to man every green thing and seed bearing fruit" is my rough memory. Science has made itself the trollop of empire in service of the medical society and its church approved cant. Profits are sought in order to further finance CONTROL which is needed in order to fatten up and dumb down the naive consumer. Dont be One of these. Medicine Flowers are prolific and beautiful unlike the tac squads and prisons that finance the "social" experiment war on drugs/prohibition. Thrive personally by learning to give and produce in the totally lawful realm of Cultivation. Be Blessed Ya.

  3. blank Amerikagulag says:

    Unfortunately for Americans, the unelected FDA is nothing more than a high powered drug lobby and YOU are worth more sick than healthy to them.

    The pink ribbon scam is just that, a SCAM. There is no interest in curing anything, least of all cancer. If it were cured, the economy would collapse from that one breakthrough.

  4. blank FringeDweller says:

    "[…]hemp is a very powerful industrial substance, but it also has a number of health benefits."

    Those are the ONLY two reasons why hemp/canibus have been villified since the turn of the 20th century.

    If medical canibus (everybody needs to stop using the intentionally demeaning name, "marijuana!") were to become legally and readilly available, it would merely prepresent the "shoe in the door," and there would no longer be ANY argument against the cultivation and use of industrial hemp. If that were to come to pass, the timber/wood pulp, cotton and petro-chemical industries would all implode virtually over night. Does anyone really think those very wealthy, very powerful people would ever allow that to happen, unless it benefited them personally somehow?

    As the saying goes: "Those who assume positions of power and authority rarely relinquish them voluntarilly."

    The fact is, the PTB don't give a rat's arse about anybody getting high on canibus. That's just the popular political line that's used to help win elections and garner grant money from the pig trough we all pay into one way or another.

    I'm somewhat astonished that the "real" reason canibus is illegal is still a topic of conjecture, or even discussion.

    1. blank FringeDweller says:

      Sheesh – I meant to say "cannabis."

        1. And I of course meant to say plain. Freudian slips abound.


  5. Why wouldn't the medical companies repackage and sell all the benefit drugs made from Cannabis? That is the question as the profit potential is in the Trillions. Are they afraid of making money? There's something they are not telling us. Could it be that is cures something they make money off off selling us? Like Cancer? And even if it did, were talking Trillions on profits. Why do they not want to make MORE MONEY? Tell us why?

    1. because everyone would be able to grow their own medicine and therefore they would not profit. Unless they made it legal to manufacture for the pharma companies and illegal for individuals to grow and consume which would be hard to control

    2. blank Anonymous says:

      Marijuana will never be made legal because it is too versatile and useful, as well as easy to grow. If it were legal…how would the government, tax authorities, drug companies…I.e. The parties who benefit monetarily from it's prohibition, they wouldn't to insure that they got their cut. Drug companies make billions off of the US population! In their eyes, it's better to keep a customer coming back. Keep them sick and provide "easement" for their symptoms but keep them sick. Soon the drug companies will be allowed to use marijuana to create all variety of drugs….it will, however…still be legal for everyone one else to grow and use the plant. The only "legal" marijuana will be the tightly controlled chemical analogs, synthetic creations and chemical derivatives…available at a premium price, with a doctors prescription. Weed will never be legal because there are many rich and powerful people who benefit from it's prohibition

      1. Long years ago, there used to be a character in the Lil' Abner comic strip called the Shmoo. it naturally produced eggs, all manner of foodstuffs and if you looked at it hungerally, it would instantly turn into a ham. The Gov.. made the inhabitants get rid of them. Too useful.

        Know this: we long ago lost our country and produced religious meddlers who tacked on the 19th amendment to the constitution (Prohibition), and the Bill of Rights has been thrown into the trash. And you one day expect ganja to be made legal? Too useful! Marijuana is the Shmoo of the botanical world.

      2. blank Legalize it! says:

        But people can make homemade liquor,beer and wine

  6. That fact that smoking cannabis is pleasurable makes it an appealing target to the puritanical element of American society who hate the thought of someone, somewhere having fun.

  7. As a person who has recently been arrested for growing Marijuana, and soon to be facing court. I have been charged with sale and supply. What little money I had was taken from me, to prove that I was a dealer. It was for my own use. The reason I grew it was so I did not have to deal with dealers. My personal diaries were taken, along with my passport. I am writing this from Ireland, and would just like to add that with the spread of Globalism also came the spread of Fascism. The American led war on drugs arrived into my life.Smoking Marijuana did not detract from my life it aided me when I was suffering from severe sickness. The so-called ''war on weed'' is in fact a war on humanity.

    How can a Government make a plant illegal that is older than any Government ?…

    1. I so too agree with you all the way….

    2. blank PATTI CAKES says:


  8. Previously I sent my opinions to submit. Vanished it did. So I am starting another one. Brief read carefully. MASS Voting…Go Vote. If your privilege to Vote has not be taken away (which the gov't does for Felonies). All is a MONEY making game. YES.a Game. Big Brother Industries, Local Gov't and all legal agencies, I hope you read the article on Private Prisons and the deals made internally in which the tax paper is not aware of. Big Money…Court Rooms, Police Depts, Prison Systems which get 2BILLION DOLLARS OF YOUR TAX MONEY each year. Prisoners are like CATTLE HERD..Making Money for all interwoven within the JUDICAL SYSTEM. Right down to the Drug Companies making big money pushing Pill Poppers;but LEGALLY…YOU do it you get Prison Time. FAIR? Start Petitions..over and over again until some new Senator or President gets blessed by the HOLYSPIRIT to Listen to the People,by the People,Under One Nation..You get the picture. Wake up before you know it..you LOSE your Rights and to Speak OUT..cause next time you will be the next one to be Imprisoned and come out of prison needing to go on MEDS just to keep your Brain on sort of straight and FLAT Broke.

  9. blank Anonymous says:

    need a password to hear your story my friend… would love to help some folks if this really helps, thanks for sharing.

  10. blank Anonymous says:

    I don’t care what anyone says. If you have ever smoked weed you know that the effects are harmless. If anything you feel relaxed and carefree not so mentally distraught you can’t see straight or have a normal thought process. Marijuana is a plant not a chemical like meth or crack or pcp or any other “drug.” marijuana is not a drug it’s not harmful. People don’t get addicted to weed. They just like the way it makes them feel, which is relaxed and calm.

    1. blank Anonymous says:

      Dude I couldn't agree with you more. I am waiting and waiting til it becomes legal. But in the mean time I'm still gonna get high as hell.

    2. blank Anonymous says:

      and ciggarretes and alcohol r legal but they kill a ridiculous amount of people every year, ive never even heard of 1 person who died from marijuana

    3. wow. i love how all these comments are from people who smoke marijuana. if you actualy take the time to go look up reaserch, it may kill cancer cells, but it can also cause it just as easy. Using it too much can affect your immune system. So if thats affected, whats going to happen? Youre going to be an easy target for cancer and then marijuana will really not help you. Why would you want to impare youre brain and thinking skills? What happens when you go driving after you smoked? Youre going to jail! Thats exactly why its illegal

      1. blank Anonymous says:

        If you actually take the time to go look up research tobacco and alcohol may not kill cancer cells, but can definitely cause them. Using both can affect your immune system as well. So if that immune system is affect, what's going to happen? You're going to be an easy target for cancer and then neither tobacco or alcohol will really not help you.

        What happens when you go driving after you've had one too many alcoholic drinks? You're going to jail! That's exactly why alcohol is ill…. er legal?!

        Just to add to this: I'm not a marijuana smoker. Actually, I've never even tried the stuff. But it doesn't take a rocket-surgeon (figured that'd make more sense to someone who wrote something as asinine as this than rocket-scientist)to realize there is no real valid reason as to why marijuana is illegal when substances such as alcohol are legal.

      2. blank Anonymous says:

        most of the research proving what you've stated is a result of biased science that only does the research necessary to prove it and does not bother to go any further. The research is done on an agenda and is funded by the war on drugs. Marijuana cannot cause cancer nearly as easily as cigarettes because the main cause of cancer from cigarettes has been proven in studies to be a result of radio active isotopes present in tobacco from the certain pesticides used. Marijuana does not have this problem and has actually been proven to clear out some of the radioactivity from radioactive hotspots on lungs. The immune system claim is also bogus because the studies done to prove it that i've research were done on mice that were chemically fed ridiculous amounts of pure thc, more than anyone can hope to consume by smoking or even eating edibles. and thc is not even close to the only ingredient in marijuana there are roughly 500 other cannibinoids. Also marijuana is the only "drug" that our brain actually has receptors for. Our brains are made to take in cannibinoids. and when a nerve is spiking too high cannibinoids will attach themselves and bring that nerve down and vice versa if it is too low it will attach and bring the nerves sensitivity back up. So unlike any other drug that just basically floods the brain with chemicls and can slow heart rate and breathing and other organs functions, marijuana cannot because our brain does not have receptors in the areas of the brain where these functions are run.

      3. blank Anonymous says:

        also i guarantee if proper studies were done it would be proven that marijuana can help make people think more objectively, without biased, and steer people away from unproven predispositions, if used for intelectual purposes. dont pretend you know anything about it if u havent used it or at least attempted to read up on both sides of the argument. I truly believe that if marijuana were research with pure objectivity it would be easily accepted to be legal by almost everybody

      4. blank Anonymous says:

        N thats exactly why ur a tight ass. Smoke a joint

  11. blank CAN U READ? says:

    thats who he said all of us.they cant lock everybody up we have the numbers just people are afraid.ino what your saying they will kick in doors but not if everyone stand up together.

  12. blank Anonymous says:

    I do not agree with most of the thing FDA does, but I cannot quite agree with people who support Marijuana use with open hands.

    As a therapist, I saw teenagers whose life got completely controlled by pot. They become very irritable when they are not using pot, and the life looks so boring without pot that they have to keep using it. I heard professionally and personally so many accounts from the family of daily pot users about pot users becoming violent when not using pot. In some cases this led to DV. A recovering addict who got somehow "prescribed" Marijuana to treat his mood disorder (I really don't know how that happened) got into the car accidents while under the influence, endangering his child.

    I do support natural medicine and I do not use pharmaceutical medicine myself. But if you really study and know herbal remedy deeply, herbs could present danger. There is no herbal remedy that can be used everyday anytime and by anybody. That's the fact.

    1. blank Naturopath Pierce says:

      If i understand your argument against it's use, then shouldn't all drugs and alcohol be prohibited as well? An irresponsible person will do irresponsible things. It is an error to blame the substance that they decided to do that with. It is akin to banning the weapon that a murderer used to kill someone.

    2. blank Anonymous says:

      if you are a therapist then you should also have realized that the mentality of a child differs to that of an adult. The majority of laws give adults access to the plant, not children. In most cases only a doctor could give a child the substance and that is a but better alternative to what they could be given to help then cope with the pain of terminal illness. would you honestly want children to be dosed with opium derivatives over cannaibis?

    3. blank Anonymous says:

      The only thing i saw here that makes sense is the word teenager. Come on kids go through stuff to but most of these kids arent smoking pot because they ha e a medi,al condition. Most are smoking n drinking a.d “popping mollys” come on. I bet they didnt dis lose that information.

  13. blank Samantha Elizabeth says:

    Marijuana is STUPID ! 😉

  14. blank Stoned247 says:

    People all have their own opinions..

  15. You keep saying ‘why is MJ illegal”?….but you never come clean and tell us why? Get to the truth and maybe we can put a dent in this corrupt government…..

  16. I am a set designer and builder for the entertainment industry. I smoke every day and feel that the right brand of smoke can produce very creative thought. It’s not always easy to hold on to the thoughts but I am much more creative while high. It takes away some of the ” that’s not possible” thoughts that sometimes keep us from being truly creative. I have built and remodeled homes while pretty much staying high the whole time. And with some pretty awesome effects. And it’s much safer than alcohol. Pot smokers drive twenty miles under the speed limit, and pot smokers can’t smoke themselves to death like blood alcohol poisoning. If you smoke to much you will throw up and go to sleep. The government that spends billions could be making billions. Instead of spending money to house the (dangerous) pot smokers in prison, they could be making the same taxes that they get on alcohol and tobacco. My 12 year old nephew can’t buy a beer or cigarette but he can get pot by the bag full. .?.?. This wouldn’t happen near as much if it was sold like tobacco. Retail sales would cut out the gang member that just sold weed to buy a gun. All I’m saying is that it isn’t the plant or smoking it that poses the issues, it’s who makes the money to sell it. The government can’t legalize something until they find a way to control it , test levels in the body for public safety, and most of all , how to tax it.

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