1. Are you referring to Dr. Robert F. Cathcart’s paper from 1981? The doctor that has been dead since 2007? He has an opinion on the current Ebola outbreak? And as for curing polio with vitamin C, we have a vaccine for that.

    1. blank d-dectiri says:

      Tough luck Joe, you’re off by a mile… back in 2005, Dr Cathcart was working on an epidemic in Lassa (Nigeria)… that particular hemorrhagic fever was later renamed for the location to distinguish it from other varieties of ebola… even the DOD has been doing research on Ebola back those years, and was induced to try colloidal silver on the versions of Ebola they had, and embarrassingly colloidal silver was the only successful treatment — the rest were pharmaceuticals and CS was included as what they thought would be a definite loser — the presentation of their results exists but the DOD bowed to the drug lords and stonewalled any further interest….
      So you’d better rethink your ideas on Ebola, not to mention stupid immune-suppressing vaccines, especially the ones with the monkey retro-viral genetics that are transmissible to your progeny (reversing evolution, maybe)… too bad..

      1. Don’t forget ozone for Ebola — Drs Robert Rowen and Frank Shallenberger tried to use it with Africans less than 10 years ago. Then the gov’t changed their minds. I guess it was too effective and too cheap.

    2. The polio vaccine is for prevention not curing polio. Once you have it. Vit C will cure polio and ebola . google, Vitamin C cured polio during the epidemic of 1948 – 49.

  2. Where can I find a recipe to make Vitamin C at home? the liposomal type you mention.

    1. blank Chris P. Bacon says:

      found this recipe in a related article, have done no research of my own on this as of yet, (just found it prior to seeing this article) so please don’t take it as a recommendation, just an answer to your post, possibly a stepping stone to what you are looking for….happy trails http://www.quantumbalancing.com/liposomalC.htm

  3. blank Elizabeth says:

    How can the average person get an iv vitamin c when most doctors wont agree to it? If this gets bad people need to know how to do this at home and where to get intravenous vitamin c.

    1. blank Scott Alexander says:

      Make Homemade encapsulated vitamin c, or better yet sodium ascorbate.

    2. Dr. Tom Levy thinks Liposomal Vitamin C might be even better than IV Vitamin C and it’s easier to get or go to a holistic health center, which should be in or near most cities.

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