Couple Threatened with $500 Fine for Growing Vegetable Garden: They Win

Florida officials were attempting to ‘apply an HOA kind of mentality’ to the couple’s garden, claiming it was an eyesore, even though it was cared for beautifully. The real issue was that this couple was brazen enough to try to grow their own food – divorced from the seed monopolies and corporate stranglehold of a military-state in the making. You can watch them being interviewed above.
As cities, municipalities, and states become increasingly perverse with the wielding of power over individuals, even when their actions are not harmful to others, we can expect to see more of this kind of behavior. Unless, of course, as this couple did, we act to defend our rights.
Natural Society recently reported on another woman in Florida who had to fight numerous fines and harassment for living off the grid in Florida. Her lawyer took her case pro bono to help promote citizens rights to live how they please, and not be harassed by power-bloated officials.
Read: Florida Couple Forced to Dig up Organic Garden
Florida is just one state that has made ‘off-grid’ living illegal. Texas also recently swarmed a sustainable community called the Garden of Eden with a SWAT team, and shut it down by way of force. Each community member was hand-cuffed at gunpoint. Their crime? Living completely self-sustainably. If you aren’t a consumer, and a slave – the government isn’t pleased.
Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights gives all beings the right to own land.
“(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property”
Furthermore, no government should have any right to tell someone whether or not they can grow food, medicine or any other non-harmful plant on their own property. Nevertheless, the 1948 American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man states:
“Every Person has the right to own such private property as meets the essential needs of decent living and helps to maintain the dignity of the individual and of the home.”
The only way to stop this is to stand up for our rights. This Orwellian bullying must stop now.
Additional Sources:
This land is your land, this land is my land,
From California, to the New York Island,
From the Redwood Forest, to the Gulf Stream Waters,
This land was made for you and me.
No Government will ever tell me what I can grow on my property. Leave me alone or kill me.
Gardening is a God given right! Under the 9th Amendment of the Bill of Rights it is my right to grow food! Damn to hell any politician tyrant who thinks I do not have such a right! End my food supply and you will kill me and my family. Please remember we have a right to defend ourselves against tyrants provided by the 2nd Amendment. With God, guns and food we shall survive. Tyrants will be turned to fertilizer. Best study the Constitution and small scale farming. A bad moon is rising!
Funny how the God and Guns crowd sucks up to the political Power than runs Florida. You know, like the Medicare Fraud Champion named Rick Scott.
Because she mentioned God it somehow makes it less of a right? Get the f— out of here.
A fine of $500.00 PER DAY….ridiculous, and talk about intimidation by the government…it’s all about power! Let us grown our vegetable gardens, for heaven’s sake!
Just know this,In order to do this,They have to have a crooked Judge backing them up.
The government want’s you to eat its poison food.
Khruschev was right!
Canadian version 🙂
This land is your land, this land is my land.
From Bonavista to Vancouver Island,
From the Arctic Circle, to the Great Lake waters
This land was made for you and me.
Thanks for that, fellow Canuck!!
I agree! We must fight this stupid corporate-petting political cruelty.
Sadly you have no rights ,except those you can defend..How can you say stand up and fight when you are so out numbered on all sides?? Why do people vote for the same scum over and over again? Not ever citizen has the money to fight with.And many times all your assets are frozen to make sure you can not defend yourself.When this republic was formed,we were told it was ours if we could keep it,But to many have chosen democracy ,That is nothing but mob rule.A majority moves into your area ,and because they are more than you,Then your right to be there is trampled.
We all have to adopt the attitude that a wrong done to one man is a wrong done to us all, There are many good groups in America that are fighting for our rights,,But people are so easily poisoned by Media that they won’t join with them..If I name any of them I will be attacked ,But I say you have to find like minded groups and band together or you have no chance at all..Soon our beloved internet will be government control and you won’t even have a clue what is happening next door ..You will become a slave and not even know it,or maybe not even care as long as they make you happy..But then when the treat you badly ,you start screaming for the rights that you have lost..
Hope and change .Every where you look now.Lot of people that voted for it should be very happy..
Natural Society, you have committed a fallacy. The declaration of human rights is not the standard of the United States, the Constitution is. Amendment IV of the Bill of Rights is as follows:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
The human rights declaration is communist in origin, and has many things that are rightly excluded from what is and is not a right. Stop it.