1. blank Ado Christian says:

    If only they would monitor their exports a fraction as well. I won’t even buy dog food that has the Communist Chinese label.

  2. Talk about being caught in the middle. With US corporate avarice on one side and the Chinese Communist Committee on the other, they don’t have much of a chance. :-/

  3. Well let us see how well the Chinese handle destructive Monsanto, maybe they will handle things better than The USA

  4. “The solution is with the Chinese authorities,” a spokeswoman for Syngenta, the maker of MIR162, said. “If they want to import corn from the major corn-producing areas of the world, they should synchronize their regulatory process so that they can accept the corn being grown in those regions.”
    Yeah let’s all die together and not have any safe regions in the world. True death cult mentality.

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