Breaking: Connecticut Senate Passes GMO Labeling Bill

The Connecticut state Senate has amended and passed GMO labeling bill HB 6527 by an overwhelming vote of 134-3 after days of negotiation. A major step in the right direction, the bill signifies the growing opposition against Monsanto and GMOs at large within the United States that I have continued to support — but the bill does have a major flaw.
Coming right after the successful March Against Monsanto campaign, which was blacked out by the media despite an impressive turnout, the GMO labeling bill could not have picked a better time when it comes to support for the initiative. That said, the bill actually requires four other states enact mandatory labeling before the Connecticut law goes into operation. In other words, there was likely some cash thrown around between the politicians as we’ve seen in the past that led to a ‘compromise’ on the bill — one that effectively shuts it down.
We’ve seen similar things happen in the past, which is one of the reasons I published an extensive list of politicians paid off by Monsanto on NaturalSociety.
Now that said, this is still headline-topping news that pushes the fight for food freedom to the next level. It also sets a powerful legislative precedent for further bills to come forward that activate GMO labeling in individual states as well as Connecticut. There’s no question that what we truly need to do is ban GMOs at large and criminally prosecute Monsanto for crimes against humanity (for more reasons than just GMOs), but sadly the United States government is Monsanto’s #1 fan.
We are seeing major victories, such as in the markets of Europe, where Monsanto has actually stopped trying to even get into due to complete public hatred. And we’re seeing it here in the United States as well in the form of powerful activism, we just know that the United States government continues to openly support Monsanto.
So much so that the State Department has actually been caught funding Monsanto’s marketing and overseas ventures. In fact, this has now been admitted by Reuters following data leaks. It’s absolutely outlandish, but it’s reality.
The bottom line is that this bill has flaws, but it will be highly effective at bringing awareness over the GMO labeling issue. When it comes to real action, our activism is seeping through the cracks of the mainstream media compound and clobbering the corrupt politicians right on the noggin.
niCE sight, can't believe I never came across it before. I'm not too optimistic at times but one thing i know is monsanto will be shut down. Revolution shall cleanse this whole planet eventually.
We're in the right direction.