Fluoride Food Sources that may Contain 180 Times More Fluoride Than Tap Water

Fluoridated tap water and toothpaste are oftentimes considered the main sources of fluoride exposure, but it turns out that common food items could actually be largely contributing to your fluoride intake. But what are the fluoride food sources you need to worry about?
Fluoride, a common component in tap water and dental products, is also prevalent in many non-organic foods. This is due to the use of fluoride-based pesticides, which are sprayed on crops to protect them from pests. While these pesticides may (or may not) be effective for their intended purpose, they also introduce alarming levels of fluoride into our food supply.
The Fluoride in Food Concern
Jeff Green, a renowned fluoride expert, has reportedly highlighted the concerning levels of fluoride in non-organic foods. Cryolite, for instance, is a popular fluoride-based pesticide. This chemical not only remains on the produce but also gets absorbed, leading to high fluoride levels in foods like potato skins, white grapes, and strawberries.
In his book, Hidden Fluoride in our Food, Green mentions that common foods, including lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, and raisins, can sometimes have higher fluoride exposure levels than fluoridated water due to these pesticide residues.
Here are some key points:
- Non-organic crops are frequently treated with fluoride-based pesticides.
- Some non-organic produce can contain up to 180 times the fluoride level of tap water.
- Cryolite, a fluoride-based pesticide, is commonly used in agriculture.
- Approximately one-third of an average person’s fluoride exposure comes from consuming non-organic foods.
- Foods like citrus fruits, potatoes, raisins, and lettuce can legally contain significant fluoride levels.
- Fluoride accumulation in the body can have various adverse health effects.
Food Sources of Fluoride Chart
While Green states that a large number of non-organic produce items can contain shocking levels of this fluoride-based pesticide, iceberg lettuce may be one of the largest offenders.
In fact, iceberg lettuce was found with a startling 180 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride – 180 times higher than the ‘recommended’ water fluoridation level.
These figures change based on changes in fluoride recommendations in water.
Here is a partial breakdown from Green. You can see the full PDF here.
Fluoride Concentration, by specific independent analysis: (Individual samples will vary) | Maximum allowable pesticide residue levels: Cryolite (sodium aluminum fluoride) |
Coca Cola Classic……………………..0.98 ppm | Cabbage…………………………………45.00 ppm |
Diet Coke ………………………………..1.12 ppm | Citrus fruits…………………………….95.00 ppm |
Sprite……………………………………….0.72 ppm | Collards………………………………….35.00 ppm |
Lucerne 2% Milk………………………0.72 ppm | Eggplant…………………………………30.00 ppm |
Minute Maid orange juice …………0.98 ppm | Lettuce, head………………………..180.00 ppm |
Gerber Graduate Berry Juice ………3.0 ppm | Lettuce, leaf……………………………40.00 ppm |
Gerber White Grape Juice ………….6.8 ppm | Peaches………………………………….10.00 ppm |
Welch’s White Grape Juice (concentrate)……………………………..1.8 ppm | Potatoes, internal ……………………..2.00 ppm |
Hawaiian Punch……………………….0.85 ppm | Potatoes, wastes and skin ……….22.00 ppm |
Fruit Loops………………………………..2.1 ppm | Raisins……………………………………55.00 ppm |
General Mill’s Wheaties…………….10.1 ppm | Tomatoes……………………………….30.00 ppm |
Kellogg’s Shredded Wheat………….9.4 ppm | Tomato paste………………………….45.00 ppm |
Post’s GrapeNuts cereal ……………..6.4 ppm |
Other Studies Analyzing Fluoride in Food Came to Similar Findings
Of course there are other public studies that came to similar findings regarding our exposure to fluoride via food items. I’ll briefly touch on a few:
- Researchers evaluating intake of fluoride via food sources in children found that some children received as much as 85-88% of their dietary fluoride from solid foods.
- Another Australian study focusing on children found that the fluoride content in most of the collected food samples from Australian markets was high and may therefore carry a risk of dental fluorosis. They also said parents need to be made aware of this.
- Lastly, here are the highlights from another one focusing on using fluoridated water in food preparation:
- “Rice soaked in water accumulates fluoride by absorption and adsorption
- Boiling food in fluoride-containing water highly increases fluoride content in food
- Fluoride interferes with the iodine staining of starch contained in rice
- Infants ingest more fluoride per body weight than do children and adults
- Re-evaluate fluoride guidelines based on the local food and cooking methods”
Fluoride Accumulates in Bodily Tissues
Fluoride isn’t harmless. It accumulates in calcium-rich tissues, including bones, teeth, brain, heart, and connective tissues.
Moreover, fluoride enhances the ability of heavy metals to cross vital barriers in our body, leading to potential health issues like kidney disease and brain lesions similar to Alzheimer’s disease.
Furthermore, fluoride can:
- Inhibit enzymes, potentially suppressing thyroid hormones.
- Reduce the production of melatonin, serotonin, and insulin, affecting sleep, mood, and glucose metabolism.
- Impair neurotransmitter function essential for learning and memory.
When you combine the fluoride from non-organic foods with that from water, toothpaste, and other sources, the total exposure becomes concerning. Processed foods tend to have higher fluoride levels, and flavored beverages can contain five to ten times more fluoride than bottled water.
Fluoride has been linked to decreased IQ in children and more.
that is something very important to be aware of, great article!
I live in the UK, N.East, Chlorine and Flurodie were added to our water in the 70's, which as you rightly say eliminates the iodine in the water. Iodine is also essential to womans breast hormone, coincedntely Breast Cancer has increased year on year here in the UK, strangely not getting less.. It is now 1 in 9 woman in the UK will get breast cancer, although woman in Japan, who have a diet with lots of iodine, the figure is 1 in 100, although I believe this is on the increase because of their change of food habits to the Western Diet.
Jesus wept, thanks for the info
I wonder what sources of foods the Rockefellers and Rothschilds eat. I once read that Rothschild ate only foods produced on his estate. The article was published several decades ago.
We old folks have been poisoned. Its too late for us, but you young ones had better do your homework and try to eat and drink healthy food. Good day.
Justice will be served if not in this life; it will served in the next. Good day.
It's not too late!
Regarding fluoride (and chlorine) in the body, here are some comments from an acquaintance of mine that has studied this subject indepth (although he's not a doctor). Words worth heeding:
i mentioned this law in a few articles back when discussing the glands… in particular the thyroid gland…
The thryoid gland is very dependant on IODINE… you can write a bible on the importance of iodine and am sure everyone can search google…
iodine keeps the nervous system calm… helps burn stored fat… and helps you think clearly….
what many do not realise is that iodine is easily displaced… i.e. easily voided… neutralised… negated… by several elements and one of them is FLUORIDE… yes this magic ingredient they put in our drinking water in excessive amounts…. which also numbs the pineal and pituitary glands…. and helps calcify the glands… is it a wonder they like to keep pumping this ingredient into our water..
not only we have FLUORIDE… we also have CHLORINE which negates IODINE…. and what more than ever do we find infested everywhere in our food and/or water are these two elements…
supplementing with IODINE will not help one iota… if these ingredients such as chlorine or fluoride are in the body…. you are just throwing your money down the toilet…
there is a family group of elements known as HALOGENS and these are… fluorine… chlorine…. bromine… iodine….asatine…
the halogen law states that.. "The Halogen element having the lowest atomic weight will ALWAYS DISPLACE another, within the Halogen group, whose atomic weight is greater."
arranged in ascending order from lowest to highest atomic weight…
Element Symbol Atomic Weight.
Fluorine F 9.
Chlorine Cl 17.
Bromine Br 35.
Iodine I 53.
Asatine At 85.
as you can see above… IODINE has a greater atomic weight than flourine or chlorine…. which means anytime they come across each other… the lesser weight halogens will FORCE the greater weight halogens out of the cell….
IODINE is stored mainly in the THYROID… however as soon as chlorine and/or fluoride comes along… they push IODINE OUT of the cells and take its place…. further to this… fluorine is the number one calcifier of the glands…. which are a biomarker for aging…
both fluorine and chlorine… these two toxic elements will ALWAYS displace Iodine… an element that is vitally needed to protect your thyroid gland and prevent goiter and poisoning from radioactive elements…
fluorine will decompose almost ALL compounds to form fluorides… and most important element for existence… OXYGEN… will never combine with it… this should explain oxygen deficiency in our cells…
chlorine is a greenish-yellow gas that attacks the respiratory tract… it almost always included in most of the war gases…
the above is a simple explanation… however even more dangerous is fluoride and aluminium are twin-flames… they absolutely love each other…. fluoride accelerates the absorption of aluminium into cells especially brain cells and yes… our glands… in particular the ones in the brain… and there is no need to tell you what aluminium does…
however regardless one has to ask who is the puppet master and where is the directive coming from to continue to put fluoride in our water and toothpaste.. toothpaste companies just want to sell toothpaste so I doubt they care what they put in the toothpaste… but who is INSISTING that it has to be fluoride…
i was asked is there an antidote to fluoride…. and believe it or not according to my friend the recluse biochemist… there is… it is borax (a form of boron)…. you take a pinch of borax in a glass of water and that does the trick….
last but not least… I want to add… the problem in this sodium/salt business is not sodium per se…. but its combined form with chlorine to form sodium chloride (table salt)…. so when they blame SALT for various ailments… they areally are doing sodium a dis-service… as they do not mention the chlorine as the cause of heart attacks/heart disease and blood pressure.. look here
anyway I could go on for ever.. I hope this answers the questions to those asking… but want to answer a question…. what is the best thing you can do for your glands (biochemically)….. is take lots and lots of vitamin C! the human body was genetically tampered… and now does not make its own ascorbic acid…. I will cover this in another post… suffice to say you need to take 70mg of Vit-C per Kg (30mg per pound) body weight…. the best form of ascorbic acid to take is SODIUM ASCORBATE… and even better your glands will love you is MAGNESIUM ASCORBATE… throw in some bioflavinoids with them if you can or eat fruit… and of course lots of water…
please save your glands.
I then asked him:
You mentioned borax to eliminate fluoride. How about chlorine? Do you know of an antidote for that, or will that just normally flush from your system?
And he replied:
yes indeed there is an anti-dote for chlorine and I use it a lot… actually many people in agriculture or hydroponics use it… to remove chlorine….
it's called "sodium thiosulfate"…. and you can usually get it at swimming pool chemical suppliers…. very cheap…
you only need drops per quart of water..
Hey Rob!
That is an impressive contribution, thank you.
I do think that you need to be more specific with the information on cleansing, though. You don't want a bunch of people winging it and drinking pool cleaner and borax like thier daily smoothie. I, too, am personally interested in these details.
Love & Light
wow, thank you, Rob…need more details & further research!
I actually have an organic farming and cooking magazine that was given out free at Whole Foods. There is an article about organic farmers in New York and how they supply the Rockefeller Foundation cafeteria with locally grown, organic produce. If I recall, the chef at the foundation was saying how the organic food is very important to them. So there you have it.
An important source of fluoride is from plants grown in areas where levels of fluoride occur naturally in the soil and water. The reason why raisins are allowed such leeway is that red grapes can be naturally high in fluoride and fluoride levels in California wines and purple grape juice can be very high because of where the grapes are grown. This is also true for other crops.
Tea also has naturally high levels of fluoride. Dr. Russell Blaylock suggests drinking only "White" tea. White tea is harvested early in the growth cycle of the plants and has less natural fluoride than green, black or other teas which are picked when leaves are more mature.
But the cryolite is used in the field, and fluoride is the main toxic agent in that. Very high in grapes, and so, very high in grape juice. So sad, you know..
Organic food may be more expensive, but the more people shop for it, the less expensive it will be in the future. Unlike most commodities, food does not follow the rules of supply and demand. There is and always will be an abundance of fresh, healthy, sodium fluoride free organically grown food. Her's a trick: next time you grab the shopping cart, fill it up with organic produce before you travel down the cocoa pebbles isle. Learn to make a stew for Pete's sake! You can freeze what you don't eat and have lunch all week. Save money! Save your pineal gland from fluoride poisoning!
You are 100% right. Some placesw are already there, like California. If you wanted to grab a meal out, it wasn't hard at all to find salads made with organic greens, etc. I live in a small town in Texas, and awareness of such things is really low. No one over 40 recycles, even. Kind sad, when you think about it.
The problem with organic food is the FDA now own the word "organic". Yes you read it correctly they "own" the word organic. This mean they can define the term any way they deem fit. So in a nutshell organic no longer mean free of pesticides and genetic modifications. The safest way to eat healthy foods is to grow it yourself preferably in a greenhouse. Otherwise you have no way of knowing what you're eating because corporations are not going to tell you the truth thereby risking the bottom-line, profits. Many people are paying more for their so-called organic foods but are getting the same modified and poisoned foods sold by the local grocer.
Amazing… thanks.
Organic gardening!
This may be a dumb question but does anybody know of a practical and fairly cheap way to test food for flouride?
How often canor should you take the pinch of borax, it is sodium tetraborate and says to not take internally.
Hey Paul, I've been doing research on borax and boron sodas and have come up with between 1/8 and 1/4 teaspoon per liter of distilled or reverse ósmosis water once a day for 3 or 4 days a week. Plus you will need calcium and vitamin d supplements, as the flouride leeches calcium as its neutralized and flushed out with the borax. And 20 mule team from the laundry isle is what to use.
If your still drinking any kind of soda please stop drinking from aluminum cans…aluminum and fluoride are magnets to each other..fluoride comes from aluminum manufacturing plants. Have read tha some fluoride is imported from China now and it has amounts of arsenic and lead. Population depletion perhaps.
Interesting info.
As long as you don't go over 5 mg per day, you will be fine. 8 glasses of water won't even have 1 mg of fluoride. Rinse of your produce because most of the fluoride is on the surface from pesticides. Soil contains natural fluoride, so nothing can be done about produce containing any fluoride. For that matter, untreated water can have as little as 0.5 ppm of fluoride, but can go much higher than that. There are times that fluoride has to be removed from the water supply because it exceeds the allowed amount. Fast food can have so much fluoride that you should never eat it more than once a week.
Great comments! Check the new article on fluoride about to/ now being added in Portland Oregon's water supply. Then get to work on stopping it! I live in va, which is already hopelessly lost in these dangerous toxic industrial waste byproducts effects on their quality of lives.
Great article, I think awareness amongst the general public about the fluoride in our food is very low.
Are you serious people? The author and many of the commenters are TERRIBLY misinformed.
Fluoride is the ion of the element fluorine. Molecules are comprised of a unique combination of elements, and the behavior of that compound is a result of the combination of elements, not solely on the elements itself. Fluorine is a ubiquitous element on earth, and is present in a number of minerals and is around in trace levels in all water on earth. Comparing the net levels of fluoride in lettuce to the toxicity of sodium aluminum fluoride, an entirely different compound is absolutely ridiculous. This would be like saying that carrots are dangerous because they contain nitrogen, because nitrogen is also an element in the most potent nerve agent on the planet, VX. Therefore eating a carrot is like eating a nerve toxin. In fact, nitrogen is simply a building block and it’s toxicity is dependent on how it is built into a specific compound, not on the element itself (Nitrogen, by the way, is contained in every amino acid in your body).
Fluoride is one of the most harmless chemicals out there, and only displays one benign side effect: When taken in large doses (like eating a whole tube of toothpaste), it changes the appearance of your teeth. Better yet, this only occurs in children of 1 to 4 years old.
The government is not trying to poison you with fluoride.
It is trying to combat the public health issue of tooth decay.
Granted, if a 2 year old kid ate the equivalent of thirty heads of lettuce in a day, then the fluoride may contribute to making his teeth look different. That is the limit of it’s toxicity.
While there are other reasons to buy your expensive, “natural” organic lettuce, the argument in this article is a complete uninformed, unscientific crock. For god’s sake people, this is stuff is on Wikipedia. Take the time to make informed decisions and cartridge the chemiphobia.
Source: I have a PhD in Organic Chemistry.
Wikipedia says: In high concentrations, soluble fluoride salts are toxic and skin or eye contact with high concentrations of many fluoride salts is dangerous.
Eat a couple tubes of toothpaste and say that again smart guy.
Then why dont you swallow some toothpaste an test your theory out you so and so?!
Doesn’t sodium fluoride accumulate in soil and ground water over time? Will the amount of it in the future make all produce toxic? Aren’t all crops ,including organic, watered with flouridated water? What science is there to clean this and convert other industrial waste and make them useful? Who will put spring water in bottles made of hemp plastic? I could cry.
Its the type of fluoride all you pro-dentist people who have done no research.
Despite what most dentists probably believe, the fluoride in our drinking water does not come from sodium fluoride but rather hydrofluoric salicylic acid; a byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer industry. They capture this poisonous byproduct during refinery and “clean it” turning it into hexafluorosilicic acid, and that is what is used to fluoridate our water. Then non organic food is grown with this. The sad thing is that organic is hard to afford for a lot of worker bees.
Actually though, my dogs and cat, given the choice, will always drink from a puddle over tap water. I assume that they have a better sense of smell so the chlorine smells a lot stronger for them.
Lol I was going to say I know these things because I dont use fluoride lol… amazing what happens when your brain works.