1. For me, it depends. If it’s pineapple or avocados and they are locally grown, I might purchase them if they are not certified organic. But they absolutely have to be non-gmo!

  2. Cindy Koch says:

    I think too many people think that being GMO free also means pesticides aren’t used and that is not the case. Pesticides are used on GMO free food. Our government wants to get rid of organic food so badly and that is why we need to support our organic farmers.

  3. Steven_King says:

    Non GMO and Organic are equally important to me. Boycott Monsanto!!!

  4. I completely agree with your primary findings. The term “Organic” is proprietary to the USDA; there are variations of “purity” within the regulatory guidelines. Simply “Organic” represents that the product is at least 95% GMO free leaving 5% open to question. “Non-GMO” represents no detectable levels of GMO, which under the present levels of GMO contamination is a difficult standard to maintain. This rating may become impossible to maintain unless consumer pressure is increased by the complete refusal to purchase products that are questionable at any level.

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