1. smithfield says:

    Thank you Anthony for everything you do, I appreciate your work.

    1. Anthony Gucciardi says:

      Thanks for supporting the site and checking out my work. I am confident that, thanks to the amazing activism of readers, we can effectively demolish the GMO juggernaut that stands to dominate the entire food supply.

  2. dogitydog says:

    How do you educate a sleeping population?

  3. Mr. Snowden should make you viral Anthony!!!!!!!!!!
    Great job that Natural Society does to inform. Thank you.

    1. Anthony Gucciardi says:

      Debi, people like you are why we are making a difference in the world through the spread of info. Thanks for your kind words!

  4. David Ll Foster says:

    They should be sued to extinction! Even compensation unto perpetuity could never be enough.

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