1. Anonymous says:

    Great piece, thanks so much for your work

  2. AgainstGMO says:

    You can taste the difference between organic and GMO food! Organic apples, for example, are so much tastier and sweeter, and so are organic potatoes, that tend to be sweeter. You CAN taste the difference!

  3. Milk from a happy cow grazing in lush pasture with clean water is incomparably the King of Foods.

    Healthy, nutritious, and did I mention sweet!

    Yoghurt, butter, ghee, cream, curds, cheese and more..

    C'mon man!

    Leave them kids alone!

    1. Joseph Sabuni says:

      Only if the milk is drunk R A W!! Pasteurised milk loses 90% of the phosphotase enzyme needed for calcium absorption; has had destroyed the friendly gut bacteria, BUT NOT the salmonella, e-coli nor listeria; has had damaged heat sensitive immune boosting whey proteins. A newborn calf fed only pasteurised milk dies in 6 weeks. Zoos source raw milk for their young animals.

      Organic, fresh, natural, gmo free, pasture fed etc means NOWT if it's been pasteurised.

      Only the cream part of pasteurised milk maintains its healthgiving ability to synthesise homocysteine-lowering vitamin B6 in the gut, through the friendly bacteria. High homocysteine is one of the 3 main causes of calcification of arteries. The others are high lipo-protein alpha and high triglycerides and… NOT cholesterol.

  4. LEO G YOUNGER says:

    Thank you for supporting the right to know, via labeling, about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or their products, in foods, such as in Proposition 37 on the ballot in California this election. Yes on 37.

  5. Dan Thompson says:

    I simply open my mouth and do my best to speak clearly to friends, family and aquaintances. I find it helpful to remain as even- tempered as possible. The embers are glowing… When the fire will catch, I leave that up to God, Universal Energy, Higher Power…

  6. In various occasion we have a little bit of confuse about the status of organic and non organic foods. Most probably organic foods are quite helpful for human being as it consists of several beneficial nutritious part. and pesticide free therefore the demand of organic foods are now days increasing rapidly and people around the world used to prefer the concept organic.

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