1. Really appreciated and very very helpful. Thanks for providing such a wonderful article for sciatica which i am suffering from long time.

  2. sue keldsen says:

    I think this is a great article, I work with senior citizens in an aquatic environment to help their arthritis and other aches and pains. I myself have Sciatica due to a back condition, so I empathized with others who suffer with this very painful disease. I do resent that the article states that it's caused from a sedentary lifestyle… hey! NOT TRUE!!! sitting can exacerbate the problem but it doesn't cause it… I had a car accident, then a work accident that caused my lumbar spine to pinch the Sciatic nerve down my legs… I think that statement is harsh, and can push the wrong button in people… I almost didn't read the article any further just because I thought, oh man, here we go again… an unsympathetic Doctor wrote this article and has no idea what the heck they are talking about. I read on, printed the article and will have it posted at the pool where I work. I just want people to find relief. Sciatica is no joke, and it takes the life out of people so therefore they do end up sitting around, wasting away.., because it hurts and pain killers make you stoned and numb!

  3. Mackenzie technique is great for getting the disc back in to place 🙂

  4. this is originally written by Dr Deepak Acharya, this one is copied.

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