1. Anonymous says:

    Signed — thanks so much

  2. Anonymous says:

    About time a lawsuit was launched against Monsanto

  3. Anonymous says:

    Alright! This company is evil.

  4. Anonymous says:

    If Monsanto would eat its own corn it would be dead

  5. Anonymous says:

    ya those commy pigs….they can all burn

    1. That would be Fascist pigs in this case.

    1. Guest Mouse says:

      Monsanto is one of those company's that has taken on a life of it's own. Sort of like the IRS. There is no evil CZAR sitting some place saying lets kill people,,,,it's just that their annual take of about 8 billion dollars a year is spread out among executives, share holders and work force. Yes there is a CEO and a board of directors but the company is such a complex mega deal that it;s very hard to stop. Maybe we need someone like T Boone Pickens to bust it up like he did some of the big oil giants.

  6. stephen webster says:

    my father had nongmo soybeans that were contaimated by monsanto gene . he took monsanto to small claims court. It was very clear in court today that monsanto would spend any amount of money nessacry to win the case on lawyers and experts. farmers like my father can not afford to spend those amounts of money, so he is out the extra money those soybeans should have brought in.We asked monsanto for a promise that monsanto would not sue us for a period of 10 years in writeing if monsanto genes shoewd up again in our up to 200 acres pewr year on soybeans not grown to replant, monsanto would not put that in writeing so not only did father lose over $15,000 this year but if we grow soybeans again monsanto can sue us for genes we did not want. We do not trust monsanto any more. I never had a problem with monsanto untill this happened

  7. What about home garders? Can we join the farmers as well with this lawsuit? It affects us all who grow gardens no matter how big or small.

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