1. So much for the BS about Target moving to healthier products.

  2. Michelle Lee says:

    I love all these companies who act like they are “family business” but yet still use this crap!

  3. we can debate forever (because there’s really no answer yet) the possible health effects of BPA but why – WHY? – does almost every anti-BPA story use pictures of disposable water bottles that DO NOT CONTAIN BPA? could it be that some people don’t know what they are talking about?

    1. What chemical in PET (plastic beverage) bottles is used to maintain the integrity of the plastic? I don’t know – I’m asking. You seem to but haven’t shared the info.

      1. no, I don’t…I don’t even know if there is a comparable chemical but you can Google the question just as easily as I can…I just know a lot about BPA and personally believe it to be safe…there is just so much misinformation out there…but this is a story about how BPA is bad for you…don’t contribute to the misinformation by associating BPA with single use disposable water bottles…I also think it undermines the credibility of the author of the story…

  4. I believe you can add Progresso soups to that list.

  5. So what is the substitute? BPT? SAME PROBLEM….

    It’s like saying “We don’t use Teflon on our non stick pans – It’s Diamond Silver coat.” read the small print and the substance they use is indeed not Teflon ™ but Polytetrafluoroethelyne, Better known as PTFE. See, Teflon is a TRADEMARK for Dupont. NO ONE can use the word Teflon with out Dupont’s permission. Yet Teflon is nothing other than PTFE. PTFE is PTFE and it’s not good for you. Period.

    Do you ask for a Kleenex or Facial Tissue because Kleenex is a trademarked brand. Same with Band Aid. Do you say Aluminum foil or Aluminium? The metal is called Aluminium – Alcan has trademarked the BRAND Aluminum. But all of these have become a household name.

    BPT is as harmful as BPA. If it’s in plastic… Not a great idea… And we wonder where all the Men’s Men went.

    1. LITOSWEED says:

      How about glass as a substitute ?

    2. “Aluminum” is on the periodic table. “Aluminium” is NOT. Aluminum is not a brand name.

      1. Yes, Aluminum is on the US periodic table as an adaptation from the ENGLISH element AL number 13 Aluminium. So BOTH spellings are on the table. Aluminium being the first one. Alcan pegged the word Aluminum in the 60’s and it stuck because it’s easier to say.

        1. Aluminum was long before the 60s. The guy who discovered it called it Aluminum, so that’s what I go with.

        2. I do agree with your comments about PTFE, BPA, BPT, etc. though. 100% spot on.

  6. Jacqueleen says:

    Rao’s is on the list….Their Marinara and other types of sauces are in glass jars!!!!

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