1. This agency is a puppet of commerce. It has no charter to protect the citizens of this country. Only charter is has is to allow immediately non-lethal toxic substances, which profit commercial producers, to be used. The eventual deaths and sicknesses which result are not this agency’s purview. One good way to stop this is to legislatively disestablish this poor excuse for commercial patronage.

  2. dogitydog says:

    If I were to feed this poison to someone, I would be arrested and jailed for attempted murder.

  3. Patricia P. Tursi says:

    The Nuremberg trials convicted the first CEO of Bayer (Ter Meer) as a mass murderer. The US then brought him and other psychopathic criminals to the US (Project Paperclip)and the research began and we citizens were the new concentration camp victims. While being fed the nonsense that we have the healthiest nation, we rank the sickest of all. Europe has mostly banned dioxin while we are aerosol sprayed by DARPA with aluminum, barium strontium and other chems), our weather controlled by geoengineering (see geoengineeringwatch and watch Why in the World Are They Spraying on you= tube.) We are like zombies …walking in a daze and allowing ourselves to be poisoned and then used by profit-driven medical systems when needing help. Hillary told a genetic engineering convention that anyone who does not believe that GMOs are safe are ignorant and that she spread GMO seeds all over Africa by calling them drought-resistant rather than GMOs. I guess she believes Dioxin is safe, but you can bet your sweet patootie that she won’t eat it. Beware the spin doctors. Don’t eat grocery store foods…buy from natural farmers that you know. Avoid allopathic medicine and pharmaceuticals. Back to nature and vote the corporate shills out of office.

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