1. Bacopa is a definite booster, noticable after a couple days of taking. Many studies show this demonstrably improves retention of new knowledge. Rhodiola is also a go-to, late afternoon booster.

  2. Dianna Donnelly says:

    So many gifts from Mother Nature!! Thank you … makin some Rosemary-Coconut Oil soon!

  3. Petes Farm says:

    1 can of pop per day removes any remedies tried-from the GMO Corn used to make HFCS to mercury in the end product, to heart disease, obesity, arthritis, attention disorders in kids, to pre-mature aging to dementia/alziemers

  4. Andrew Walker says:

    Periwinkle is dangerous according to medical professionals and gotu kola has not been proven to help other than in animals. Other than that the rest are good, I’ve used ginkgo biloba and Ginseng before, but you really shouldn’t be on ginseng for more than two or three weeks at a time. I haven’t used Rosemary so thanks for the tip.

    1. I’ve been a medical professional for over 25 years and this is the first mention that Periwinkle is dangerous. Maybe it is and maybe not. Perhaps you could explain why or how or cite the research paper you obviously didn’t read. Toasters are dangerous. Cars are dangerous. Dr Google is fatal. Ugh.

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