1. Palm Oil consumption is destroying the habitat for Orangutans. Please do not recommend it. Our health is not worth screwing their lives over.

    1. SlayerOfOrangutans says:

      My health is worth the lives of ALL orangutans. Everyone else's health is frosting on the cake. Fetch me my oranga-rifle!

  2. Yusuf wasiu says:

    Health is wealth, a healthy nation is a wealthy nation. We all need these nutrients for a more functional brain, and longevity. I am an author of books titled, ”The best health flavours” volumes 1 to 5. 320 pages minimum. My publisher is http://www.xlibrispublishing.co.uk

  3. Yusuf wasiu says:

    Appreciation is application for more. Let us all appreciate the natural society for the research and efforts to better human lives here on earth. Though as an author, i believe that, the faintest pen is better than the sharpest brain! We need to really and effectively take care of our eyes too. A yoruba adage says, ”eyes are the kings of the body” As an author, my areas of interest are in the field of research and development, safety and reliability, construction, health, environment, training, good human relationship, good house keeping, team work, synergy and driving. Thank you for this opportunity to express myself.
    Note: Yoruba is an ethnic language and dialect spoken by yoruba tribe of western Nigeria, in west Africa, my nation.

  4. Animal Brains might be repulsive to some, but I think they are nutritious. Also it's wasteful to throw them away.

    1. Good point. Paleoanthropologists have hypothesized that, when our ancient ancestors finally figured out how to use tools to crack open craniums and bones to get at the brain and marrow, our species really took off and became top dogs on this planet. Take that, stupid orangutans!

  5. Lane Lester says:

    Someone told me peanuts are a legume, not a nut, and to be avoided in a low carb diet. If true, perhaps they should not be included above.

    1. They are super high in omega 6 fats and you have to consider the healthy ratio of omega 3 to omega 6.

    2. I'm shocked that Ms. Sarich (author of this piece) lumped peanuts in the tree nut list. They are a legume that grows underground & they are generally harder to digest. The biggest thing about nuts though, is that they CAN'T BE ROASTED. Raw nuts have all of the health benefits mentioned but ONLY RAW. The oils become completely toxic when cooked. And if thinking about acid and alkaline balancing, I have read almonds are alkaline and walnuts are acidic. (Something to consider because most of us are way too acidic.)

  6. I am definitely going to stock up on palm oil now

  7. medavinci says:

    Coconut oil absolutely helps…they are doing a study in Florida now on coconut oil and medium chain triglycerides and alzheiemer’s disease … Google dr Mary Newport and how she reversed her husbands severe decline and also coconur oil and Alzheimer’s to see so many people’s success stories with it (eecially a man in Australia). I’m using it on my daughter who has Lyme encephalopathy and praying it will turn things around..

  8. nickatnoon says:

    Yup DEAD ANIMALS are really good for the brain!!! WHOWUDDATHUNKIT???? As of NOW, I am canceling my sub. to this POS newsletter!!!

  9. fortyminstofive says:

    Surely it was when homo sapiens discovered how to cook food, and ingest a lot more calories to feed the brain as a result, was when we overtook the apes?

  10. Radioactivity from Fukushima is contaminating the world’s oceans. So why are fish recommended?

  11. Mandy Morris says:

    Yes. You are losing me by recommending Radioactive Fish???? Thank tsyganka so glad someone is interested. And Palm Oil a bit dubious too??

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