1. blank Ellie Smith says:

    To start with, there were NEVER an epidemic of dengue in the Cayman Islands.

  2. blank Ellie Smith says:

    “It’s a miracle – How Jaxon, the baby given days to live when he was born with most of his skull missing, has defied the odds – and is celebrating his first birthday. DailyMail September 26,2015”. Was Zika in FL already?

  3. From one of the cross-links – Oxitec is quickly trying to remove itself from Any harm caused by the unnatural GM mosquitoes, to wit:

    Doesn’t want to be liable for any complications.

    Tries to avoid any regulation of GM agricultural pests on crops appearing in the food chain.

    Excludes important issues from risk assessments, such as the impact
    on human immunity and disease, and the possible outcomes arising from
    surviving GM mosquitoes.

    Releases large amount of GM mosquitoes prior to regulations.

    Attempts to define ‘biological containment’ of the insects (which
    are programmed to die at the larval stage) as contained use, by-passing
    requirements for risk assessments and consultation on decisions to
    release GM insects into the environment.

    Undermining the requirement to obtain informed consent for experiments involving insect species which transmit disease.

    Ignores any labeling using products produced from GM insects and how insects can be contained where released.

  4. Very dangerous experiment on the human population. Oxitec had been releasing GM mosquitoes in Brazil since 2011. .3% females released and 15% offspring survive and unknown number get tetracycline. They’re made with E.coli and Herpes virus, its no wonder the newer Zika virus has been developed as feared a worse strain of it could happen.

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