1. blank Lisa Kazmier says:

    Yet I doubt you can find a dope smoker dying of lung cancer — or anything else, unless you want to count that guy who died in jail over a dope charge who was fed something he’s allergic to and they refused to come to his aid when he asked for help.

  2. blank Shelley M. White says:

    Thank you for sharing my story!

  3. blank Matt Fennell says:

    we want a world of freedom where people can chose what to think and what they can put into thier own bodies. You dont own my body and if I want to be hoped up on some mind altering substance espcially a natural plant than thats my business not yours! I also believe in being responsible for whatever actions occur good and bad in any given moment. education is key not an approach that you precieve. In portugal they legalized all drugs and help instead of incarcerate people. THey saw a huge drop in overdose deaths, murders, and thier prison populuation decreased a ton. EDUCATION is key not harsh laws and naive mindsets such as you displayed above. We didnt outlaw cigarettes eventho they are by far more harmful then pot and instead a huge education campaign has taken place and much less people smoke now and there is a healthier alternative with vaporizing both pot and tobacco. EDUCATION is key not fear and ignorance.

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