1. And what exactly is this super magical ingredient in raw milk that modern science has yet to discover?
    Among the things in any animal’s milk, raw or pasteurized, is an incredibly high level of estrogen. Plus, there’s IGF-1, which we know causes cancer. And on top of all that. raw milk also oftens has some kind of pathogen … like E. coli, salmonella, campylobacter, Q fever, tuberculosis … or parasites like hookworm, roundworm, tapeworm, etc. And those are mostly things that occur in healthy animals and don’t make the animal ill … but they can be devastating to human health.
    But yeah, please explain what magical ingredient in milk can cure Lyme disease …

    1. blank jimmy corn says:

      “raw milk also oftens has some kind of pathogen … like E. coli,
      salmonella, campylobacter, Q fever, tuberculosis … or parasites like
      hookworm, roundworm, tapeworm, etc” actually it doesn’t unless you get your raw milk from cows from factory farmed hell holes we call modern dairies! Fed nothing but GMOs rarely if ever see the light of day and pumped with antibiotics and hormones and rBGH.
      Pasteurization destroys the milk! It sterilizes the milk and any beneficial bacteria are killed. THERES NO SECRET ‘MAGICAL’ INGREDIENT IN RAW MILK ITS THE BACTERIA STUPID! On top of that all the vitamins and essential nutrients that helps your body rejuvenate your immune system. But this is only from pasture raised grass fed cows raw milk.

      1. In other words, you have no idea what this “magical ingredient” is … oh, and if you say “abra cadabra” the grass fed stuff makes magical ingredients, too.
        Any beneficial bacteria are outweighed by all the harmful ones … people are getting sick on raw milk. And, long term, any milk is a health disaster. I’m not saying people should drink pasteurized milk. I’m saying they shouldn’t drink milk at all …
        PS .. calling people stupid only makes you look stupid yourself.

        1. blank mark hauser says:

          ” any milk is a health disaster.”
          And here I almost thought you knew what you were talking about…

        2. blank Lorin Chane Partain says:

          Been drinking raw milk for going on a decade now, never felt better in my life. My son drinks it like it’s going out of style ever since he was weened, he rarely is sick and even though he doesn’t yet brush, not a single cavity. So where is the disaster?

          1. blank Lorin Chane Partain says:

            Oh and my great grandmother, who was raised on and lived on a farm most of her live, drank it nearly all of her life. I remember she was very clear on this point herself and would always say “don’t give me none of that old blue milk” meaning the pasteurized milk. She lived to be 99.

    2. blank mothman777 says:

      It is called colostrum. Numerous people have even been cured from Leukaemia by living on nothing but raw cows’ milk or goats’ milk for one year, due to this immune-enhancing compound in raw milk, that pasteurization destroys, that is especially produced in milk of those cows and goats who have recently given birth, to build up the immune systems of their offspring.

  2. My daughter also healed her cavities with raw milk and raw butter. Another traditional remedy. One of her teeth was rotted down to the gums (my fault – I should have monitored her brushing!) Since it was her milk teeth the dentist told us they’ll eventually fall out, but in the mean time they became worse – so I found out about this remedy and happened to have found a supply of raw milk and raw butter and a few weeks later we noticed that her molar re-grew! The molar recently fell out naturally and another came in, but you would never be able to tell that the molar that fell out was once just a little black stub. So yes, there are many benefits to raw milk. Remineralisation of teeth – imagine then what it could do to bones!) Relief for hay fever sufferers, etc.

  3. When I first got lyme disease in my 20’s and I didn’t know it, I had gotten diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. I spent years with naturopaths, counsellors, shiatsu, osteopathy and I did feel good but always had a very clean organic diet. I couldn’t understand while everyone else could have a balance, I couldn’t. I spent thousands of dollars every year on natural herbs, vitamins etc. Then 3 years ago, I got bitten again and this time, after 18 months, I did get diagnosed with Lyme disease. I ended up getting help from an Osteopath in Dallus who gave me a 13 month plan of doxycycline, no minerals and no dairy near the antibiotic. I was bedridden this time and now I can run 45 km a week and work a full time job, have a ton of energy and it was very cheap treatment. I since have loaded up on probiotics and am using natural supplements to build my immune system up. I was always interested in the natural way and I can’t believe how much the doxycycline helped my. There is a time and place for everything

    1. how much doxy did you take and what times a day. did you herx really bad? how did you get co-infections down.. that’s great you feel well again.

  4. Love RAW milk.. and I make sure that the farms are sustainable and care for the needs of the baby calves first. I have been drinking RAW milk for over 25 years.. and do not drink any other mil [well on occasion I do purchase grass-fed organic unhomogonized (Whole Foods) milk.. when I can’t get it RAW]

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