Vladimir Putin Says Russia Must Protect its Citizens from GMOs, Stand Against WTO

Sometimes it seems our country has traded places with the cold war communists of days past. We may not agree with everything that Putin does in the name of Russia, but at least he is willing to do what our President is not in the US – protect his people from genetically modified foods.
Putin believes that he can keep GMOs out of his country, even while staying in compliance with the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) commandments. In a meeting addressing the members of the Board of the Russian Federation Council he stated:
“We need to properly construct our work so that it is not contrary to our obligations under the WTO. But even with this in mind, we nevertheless have legitimate methods and instruments to protect our own market, and above all citizens.”
He reminded the board that is wasn’t so long ago that the issue of GMOs was addressed. He also pointed out that with current government regulations, it wasn’t even certain how much genetically altered food or seed had already entered Russia.
The WTO is a big pusher of genetically modified crops. However, under the current provisions of the organization, and admitted on their own site:
Read: Russia Considers Complete Ban on GM Food Production
“Countries could also argue that relevant scientific evidence is insufficient, and adopt a provisional measure according to Article 5.7, based on the available pertinent information. They would then be obliged to actively seek the additional information needed for a more objective risk assessment, and to review the measure within a reasonable period of time. What might be “reasonable” would have to be determined on a case-by-case basis.”
Some countries, though, are not given entrance to the WTO based on their refusal of GMOs. Serbia is one of them. This is a private organization which, like the biotech companies currently trying to dominate agriculture, have undue influence and power over world industry. A three-man tribunal held by the WTO in Geneva Switzerland almost a decade ago, for example, was heralded as a warning to small farmers and historic food-growing traditions that shunned genetically modified crops and overturned moratoriums on GM planting:
“[this meeting]. . .could open the floodgates to the forced introduction of genetically-manipulated plants and food products– GMO, or genetically-modified organisms as they are technically known– into the world’s most important agriculture production region, the European Union.”
Sure enough, this has come to be true.
Meanwhile, our politicians are supporting the WTO, Monsanto, and Dow, et al., and the crazy, paid-off scientists who have eaten too much of their own GMO to know their rear-ends from a carrot top are still pushing their wares, though it causes cancer and reproductive failure. At least Putin is protecting his people from poison.
Russia said they would be totally organic in 2015 I believe it was a couple weeks after Dr. Seralini came public with his 2 year study on NK603 Maize. LOL I guess it wasn’t hollow words like some one else we all know!!
BTW What ever happened to this?
Russian researchers will stream a live experiment to show the effects of GMO feed on rats.
Read more: https://naturalsociety.com/russian-gmo-rat-experiment-broadcast-24-7/#ixzz2xwJNuZXg
In the meantime…all Western Leaders,legislation with the backing of our (iL)Legal system is bending over backwards to push and support the deliberate poisoning of it’s people by GMO produced toxic sludge…
Putin for world president, all the other logger head of state, arsonist, war criminals to the indefinite prison sentence in Gitmo for treason for knowingly conspire against their citizen in the name of greed.
don’t eat gmo crap we deserve better than what our criminal politicians give us DE,ELECT THE TRAITORS TO HUMANITY
“Putin Rocks” I respect and admire this courageous leader. He is with the Light and openly demonstrates compassion for his country, the people and planet. Our leaders just brush important issues of the people under the carpet or are so controlled they cannot speak for fear of reprisal or death by sniper.
Global March Against Monsanto – Saturday, May 24, 2014. Having trouble posting links but Google it to find the event nearest you and join millions worldwide marching to take back our food!!
At least Putin is protecting his people from poison.?? At least? But isn t our health the most valuable thing we possess?. I dont care what the rotten media says about Puttin, in my book he is on the whitest pages just for this.
Gee, wish we had a leader that cared about his people like that.
Putin is very close to acquiring the Mandate Of Heaven.
I never in my 60 years thought I’d see a Russian President so popular among Americans!