True Story: 74-Year-Old with Weeks to Live Beats Cancer with Wheatgrass

It’s truly amazing, how someone can use something as simple as baking soda or vitamin C to overcome life-threatening conditions. There are so many stories about how people utilize mega-doses of natural substances to wipe out disease, and you’re about to hear one. This story is about a 74-year-old man with stomach cancer, and how he ignored chemotherapy only to overcome his disease with wheatgrass.
Danny McDonald from Dunaff, Ireland received terrible news from mainstream medical professionals at the late age of 74. After an ulcer suddenly burst within his abdomen, he was rushed to the hospital where doctors struggled to control the bleeding. But the doctors found something more; they found that a form of stomach cancer had spread throughout his body.
Not surprisingly, they advised that McDonald go through intensive chemotherapy. They also told him that due to chronic stomach cancer, he would be dead within 3 months if he refused this conventional (and toxic) form of treatment.
“I told the doctors I wasn’t prepared to undergo the course of treatments they had suggested,” Danny said, according to Sunday World. “I knew it would kill me. They were furious I had come to that conclusion. The consultant warned me I’d be dead in three months.”
Danny refused the chemotherapy, even if it made the doctors furious. Instead, he decided to go with a natural, nutritional approach. He remembered hearing about the healing properties of wheatgrass from a friend years earlier, and the more he thought about it and researched it, the more convinced he became that this could be a solution. Using decades of acquired skill in farming and tending to land, Danny went back to his farm to grow tons of wheatgrass.
“I didn’t know what to expect, but I was determined to give it a go,” recalls Danny. “Within seven days the burning sensation I had in my side was gone and I was beginning to feel a lot better. I stopped taking the tablets which had been prescribed and I haven’t taken one since. A month later the pain had completely disappeared and I knew I was on the mend. The wheatgrass was working. I had made the right decision to reject the advice of the doctors.”
“I know a lot of doctors think wheatgrass doesn’t have the qualities to kill cancer, but I am living proof that it does,” he adds. “And although many doctors won’t admit it publicly, gradually they are coming around to see the benefits of wheatgrass.”
Four years later, Danny is alive, healthy, and cancer-free. More than 2,600 people have beaten a path to Danny McDonald’s farmhouse to discover how he utilized something as simple as wheatgrass to beat cancer.
“People ask me how I did it and I just say one word, ‘wheatgrass.'”
Cheers to the smart people
Danny! that looks like about a qt.What amount should a beginner start with?
Wheat grass juice is potently strong and a little, about 0.5 cm or at the most a table spoonful, at the bottom of a tumbler, then water added to one’s own taste to start with. Even at this low dosage it is beneficial. With regular use the amount can be increased. It is not toxic but too rich for the stomach. If taking too much at the start one may make themselves sick.
what is the soil it is grown in?
mustard greens same
Ironically his last name is McDonald.
Actually, this has happened many times in the past decades. My wife’s aunt – Letha Baker of Indianola, WA – healed herself of cancer two different times with a combination of wheatgrass and raw foods diet and lived to 92. She wrote many books on natural & raw food diets.
The story says 74 yr old man…. this man is not 74.
The person in the video isn’t the person mentioned in the article. I’m guessing they just posted that video to give people an idea on how to juice wheatgrass.
This is the original article, where you can see a picture of the 74-year-old:
Why should his doctors be so furious that he refused chemo? It’s his life and he has to live with his own decisions, which turned out to be better for him than going with conventional care. I think they were just mad because they were losing out on tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars…
I know Danny very well and when we went to meet him, he advises to take 10ml everyday and increase it by 10ml every day too until u get to 240ml pet day which works out 4 shoots a day, so day 1 10ml day 2 20ml day 3 30ml etc til u get to 240ml and stay on this til your blood is fully cleansed and how u will know is, you will get a headache after you take it and if you drink a glass of water, and it goes away then your blood is cleansed? It took 6 months to cleanse his blood. When it’s cleansed, you reduce it down how you started and he still remains on around 180ml each day. Once it’s juiced each day, it must be taken within 15 mins of juicing as it still has it’s live enzymes within this time. We have been taking it for the last year for my husband and it has been working amazing so far. Good luck with it and believe in it for it definetly does work 🙂