1. Hi,

    I own an organic shop in Australia. Those who call the shots re USDA certification standards (as well as processors that use USDA certification) need to know that their overseas market is dwindling.

    For me, this is the last straw, from Monday I will not be restocking any USDA certified goods.

  2. It's "Aspartame", not "Aspertame". That said, it's time we stopped buying food in boxes, the more it's been changed and modified and adulterated the less healthy it is and the less it should be classified as food. Eating healthy food replaces the need for vitamins. Vitamins are a big industry like processed foods.

  3. blank yankee phil says:

    If the FDA is not forcing the disclosure of all ingredients in our foods as the law prescribes then it must be brought to task in the courts to explain why certain food additives are included and others not. Only by challenging the methods of the FDA in court will you find out who is helping the corporate giants get rid of low cost sweeteners in our food supply without our knowing the risks. Perhaps then you may also see the legal system is aiding this practice when they throw your case out of court without even a hearing. Remember law enforcement begins and ends in the department of justice. Corrupt judges obstruct the implementation of the best of laws and thwart policing of our food chain, perhaps why no one went to jail in the mad cow disease epidemic which went on for years because of a lack of prosecution.

  4. the only way this problem and others similar is when we find a way to get mainstream newspapers to get on board.

  5. A dental surgeon that was going to work on my daughter, told me point blank: It is a good thing you told me that your daughter is allergic to Soya. The medicine I would put her to sleep with, it is MIXED with Soya Oils. I will have to do the procedure differently for her, or there could be dire consequences…

    How many people, that do not know they are being exposed to soya, which IS GMO product, are being subjected from all angles?

  6. It is a scary thought.

  7. Food products are required to divulge the ingredients and chemical composition of the said product prior to passing the food grade for approval. Plus the food and drugs does independent testing for the foods to determine the actual composition. How did this happen?

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