1. What about bluetooth headsets?

  2. what a load of rubbish, you dont even reference the study 🙁

    1. The study is referenced in the first sentence. Actually, in the first 4 words of this article. May want to look up Clinical Neurophysiology? hmm?

    2. blank Shaking my head says:

      Or trying hovering your pointer over “Clinical Neurophysiology” and clicking it will take you directly to the study. Maybe you need stop using your cell phone if you’re missing something so obvious.

  3. Brain activity is change even when you play games waths tv listening music and doing whole other things “Some have suggested it can lead to autism and Alzheimer’s disease in the long term” because can pass blood-brain barrier like caffeine green tea polyphenols and yet they have protective effect on cognitive function of brain
    “Whether you have the latest LTE technology or an old flip-phone, you can minimize your exposure to cell phone radiation by:
    Investing in radiation protection”
    radiation protection cant work if will be block radiation then you cant take calls

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