1. blank Gertrude van Voorden says:

    Mercury is in your dental fillings, if amalgam. It passes the brainbarrier and gets into your foetus, when pregnant. Very difficult to get rid of, as it takes many decades for mercury to get out of your body naturally. Chlorella and cilantro are said to be doing the trick. From Cilantro you can make a tincture yourself.

    1. Pls can you teach me how to make the cilantro tincture? Thanks

  2. blank Robert Paul Gass says:

    It’s funny they don’t mention medications as a source of metal poisoning in any of the articles. Psychiatric medications in particular are a major source of metal poisoning, resulting in things like chronic tinnitus and strokes. However these and other medications are being prescribed by doctors and have formed a multi-billion dollar industry, so many people are hesitant to admit the dangers.

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