Reefer Sanity’s 7 Lame Arguments for Marijuana Prohibition

“Reefer Sanity” is a new book by Kevin Sabet, PhD., former senior advisor for the White House drug czar and self-proclaimed marijuana expert. He’s become the go-to guy for anti-marijuana arguers, a source of flawed arguments in support of prohibition. Sabet has expanded his arguments into his latest book, where he offers mediocre support for the continued War on Marijuana. Sabet isn’t a “lock ‘em up and throw away the key” type.
On the contrary, he approaches marijuana as a public health issue. His ideal world is seemingly one where marijuana remains illegal but those caught with it are sent to treatment rather than jail.
Along these lines, he doesn’t believe marijuana has useful medical applications and certainly believes marijuana is addictive. Those are just two of the arguments he lays out in “Reefer Sanity.”
Here are the rest of Sabet’s so-called “Seven Great Myths About Marijuana,” of which he dedicates a chapter each in his new book. Each myth is followed by my own commentary.
- Myth 1: Marijuana is harmless and nonaddictive – According to Sabet, marijuana is both harmful and addictive. This couldn’t be further from the truth. There are countless studies showcasing marijuana’s beneficial attributes in preventing and reversing numerous ailments such as seizures, depression, pain, nausea, and even (especially) cancer. As for addiction, anything from watching TV to shopping can be addictive. But there is little chance for any marijuana user to become dependent on the drug.
- Myth 2: Smoked or eaten marijuana is medicine – Despite volumes of research to the contrary, Sabet doesn’t believe marijuana to have healing effects when consumed. But as research suggests, this simply isn’t true.
- Myth 3: Countless people are behind bars simply for smoking marijuana – Marijuana legalization advocates realize no casual pot smokers are serving hard-time for their habit. But, arrests and prosecutions for marijuana possession do take a considerable toll on the criminal justice system, not to mention the defendants who are “cuffed and stuffed” for a little weed.
- Myth 4: The legality of alcohol and tobacco strengthen the case for legal marijuana – If these two substances, which together kill countless of Americans each year, are legal and regulated by the government, why can’t consenting adults have the ability to choose marijuana (which, incidentally, hasn’t been faulted for any deaths, ever)?
- Myth 5: Legal marijuana will solve the government’s budgetary problems – Again, Sabet is making assumptions about the intelligence of legalization-supporters, most of whom realize marijuana will not “solve” the government’s financial problems, though it could provide a booming and profitable industry.
- Myth 6: Portugal and Holland provide successful models of legalization – Despite Sabet’s arguments that Dutch teen marijuana use is increasing, rates are well within European norms. He also “fails to note the consistent finding from social scientists that the link between drug policies and drug use rates is quite weak,” according to Phillip Smith.
- Myth 7: Prevention, intervention and treatment are doomed to fail—so why try? – See Myth 1. You can be addicted to any behavior. But by all measures, junk food is far more addictive than marijuana.
Despite these arguments being mediocre at best, you can bet they will get considerable attention from those who oppose marijuana legalization. If you hope to help the movement to make this healing herb available to all people, knowing how to counter their lame arguments could help tilt the scale in our favor.
Ive witnessed my partner use weed and if he dont get any he gets aggressive and cant sleep, ive tryed THC in a cake and my heart rate went ip to 190, i was sent to hospital by ambulance The whole of my body was tingling and i couldnt breath after that i had reaky bad anxiety for up to a month. Bare in mind i never been like that before and i dont evan drink alcahol, my whole diet is organic .. So i think evan tho THC can cure cancer weed is addictive and has alot of bad side effects!
you are correct. Marijuana is medicine, very strong medicine in fact, and is used rather casually by so many. This is unfortunate. I have witnessed the same things in other weed users. I have also witnessed the healing powers of cannabis. people need to take responsibility for their moods, not rely on weed or alchohol or what ever else to change their state, and use marijuana for what it is meant for – healing.
people need to take responsibility for their moods, not rely on weed or alchohol [sic].
My, what an expert you are on other people’s lives! Ever think of minding your own business and letting others mind theirs?
What’s your point? That YOU don’t like marijuana, therefore it should be illegal?
Your THC “overdose” is a great example for marijuana legalization. The reason you made your cake too strong, is that you incorrectly measured the amount to add. Different buds have different potencies, and without having an accurate measure, one is likely to add too much or too little. Private marijuana destributers will develop a system of measuring potency, allowing even the novice to avoid the issue you suffered because of proper labeling. Prohibition (in the same way alchohol prohibition did) causes the product to move to the black market, and yeilds lower quality control.
Allergic reaction maybe? Like anyone can have with ANYTHING……. -_-
“…legalization advocates realize no casual pot smokers are serving hard-time…”
Really? I find that hard to believe. Can you support that statement with any facts?
Exactly JDL! Frickn schills- get a life socialists losers. AND NO I have never even tried Marijuana. NOT EVEN ONCE. I just believe in individual rights. #1 being- FREEDOM OF CHOICE!
visit- And start studying!
I only disagree with two things you say here:
“these arguments may be valuable” (I am not sure what you mean, perhaps you meant viable? Either way, I am not sure why you would think that…) and
“people might cause physical harm while under the influence of narcotic drugs” (this seems to be a presumption you have, but I wonder why? Sober people cause physical harm all the time- would you advocate criminalizing sobriety?!)
Reading your post makes me think you are being guarded in your thoughts, and anticipating criticism…be brave! Your instincts about liberty are correct, don’t fear them!
I cannot understand why you would defend consuming drugs, but still not have a position regarding medical cannabis. Ingesting cannabis is clearly a self-ownership/property rights issue, regardless of what particular value (recreational vs. medical- or both) it may represent for the consumer.
Got it! Thanks for clarifying…
The criminal communist controllers of the alcohol and tobacco industries would freak out if a naturally grown plant with no pesticides and poisons were to be grown and used by anyone! The health benefits alone would be huge so say nothing of the immense savings of money spent by those that want a relaxation from daily life and stress.
Everything told by your government has been a lie for decades now and it has gotten worse. The propaganda about marijuana is growing ever more sinister to brainwash the masses again!
Thanks to the internet and true information, we can now decide for ourselves who will you believe!?