1. blank freedomdove says:

    You highlighted 2 of the 3 main causes for cancer proliferation, which is great–but let’s not forget the 3rd arm. The reason toxins and pathogens are able to take over is usually because the body is weakened from nutritional deficiencies (or occasionally trauma). Symptoms of all types of deficiencies are sometimes subtle so they’re not always recognized. Many times the recognized symptoms are written off to other things, or just simply ignored.

    Deficiencies which can lead to cancer include vitamin D, magnesium, selenium, iodine, zinc, and vitamin C (really, severe lack of any vitamin can contribute). A chronic lack of good bacteria in the gut can also weaken the body to the point where it can’t properly fight off beasties and toxins, especially if other deficiencies are present.

      1. blank freedomdove says:

        Do you have anything intelligent or important to say? Why are you following me around the Internet now? Oh, that’s right….you’re sore because I asked you at the GreenMedInfo article to prove me wrong and to prove what you said is right—and you can’t. So now you’re pathetically stalking me and leaving comments that have NOTHING to do with the subject. Congratulations.


          1. blank freedomdove says:

            No? You can’t think of anything important or intelligent to say? I didn’t think so….

          2. Blah blah blah troll.

          3. blank freedomdove says:

            Do you have anything of importance to say about the topic of cancer?

          4. blank freedomdove says:

            Oh? So now you think you can refute my statements on nutritional deficiencies and cancer like you think you can refute my comments on coconut oil (yet haven’t actually been able to)? Alright then, have at it. What about my comment is false? What knowledge do you have about nutrition or cancer…or anything, for that matter?

          5. Still not reading your long winded comments, Stalker.

          6. blank freedomdove says:

            And you still don’t show any signs of intelligence. If you did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation because nobody with an ounce of intelligence in them would be doing what you’ve been doing. Stalking someone and then calling them a stalker? ROFLMAO. You really do have a lot of marbles rolling around in your head, don’t you?

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