1. Maze or Maize? Maize is corn.

    1. Yes, it is and it is a carbohydrate that is turned into a sweetener using mercury in the process.

  2. High fat “Good Fats” such as coconut oil is very good for you. Stop demonizing high fats. Be specific about high fats. Only bad fats are the culprits.

    1. He is referring to high content, (high fat content/high sugar content), in the product.
      He is not demonising fats.

  3. blank Michael Adler says:

    We offer white and dark Oreo Cookies as a dipping item for our Chocolate Fountains. It’s no wonder that among strawberries, bananas, Rice Crispy Treats, biscotti, marshmallows, pretzel sticks, and Danish Butter Cookies, they’re one of our MOST popular accompaniments!

    1. Are you the wicked witch that lives in the candy house in the woods?

  4. blank Mario Mason says:

    After all of these years…. I find out that I’m an “Oreo Junkie”!

  5. Not to mention the addictive qualities found in new wheat…

  6. I TOTALLY agree with this article, as I was addicted to them without knowing why. Would eat an entire bag with the three stacks of Oreos inside all by my lonesome and in no time flat. Then, 3 years ago I changed my diet to better my health so by the wayside went the Oreos and did miss them for a while but managed to bypass the entire cookie aisle as well as all the “interior” grocery store aisles and never looked back, as well as bypassing the supposed oh so appealing donut cases in my store. I told myself it was poison and it is. Have never felt better in many years and am way past 60 years old. Never to late to learn to eat the right foods. To this day I don’t really like cookies or ice cream or pies and that’s even if I make them myself and know exactly what is in them. Also, I’m gluten free and the Rheumatoid Arthritis stopped in 7 days total. I’m free from all the “factory foods” and just wish I could convince my stepdaughters and grandkids to do the same but them seem to be unbelievers no matter what article I send to them. Still drinking the “big gulp” diet soda stuff. I feel sorry for them, as their future doesn’t look good without dietary changes.

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