Breaking: Monsanto & Big Food Dump Over $8.15 MILLION to Defeat GMO Labeling in Colorado

Right to Know Colorado has just reported their numbers for the anti GMO-labeling campaign. Monsanto and its Big Food Allies have dumped more than $8.15 million into the campaign to defeat Colorado’s up and coming vote to label genetically modified foods. Monsanto singularly contributed over $5 million of those funds to keep you in the dark about what’s in your food.
Monsanto just went all in on this GMO poker game, and we need to do more than just keep our poker faces. We need to fight back.
At the moment, you can either donate or write a letter supporting GMO labeling to Governor Hickenlooperas (the letter is already written) to try to come close to matching Big Biotech’s seemingly endless wallet so that the same fate that happened to GMO labeling in other states in the past few years doesn’t also happen in Colorado.
The numbers haven’t been reported yet for Oregon, but you can bet these corrupt corporations are going to try to do the same thing there. They simply don’t want states to have the right to demand GMO labeling.
Why? That’s a good question. These corporations have repeatedly said that GMOs are safe, but if that were really the case, then they should have no qualms with labeling our food. Food companies and chemical companies say labeling foods will create hysteria and cause many consumers to quiver in fear of eating foods which contain GMOs, but that doesn’t mean consumers should still be in the dark. These companies should be proving that these created ingredients are safe.
The biggest impedance to GMO labeling in Colorado and perhaps the rest of the nation right now boils down to 5 big spenders, though there are others in the game of trying to keep you in the dark about what’s in your food. Over $8 million has been raised so far, specifically aimed at stopping the GMO labeling Statutory Amendment 105. You can see the full text of that document here.
These are the top 5 contributors:
- Monsanto Company: $4,700,452
- PepsiCo: $1,150,000
- Kraft Foods: $1,030,000
- General Mills Inc.: $820,000
- Dow AgroSciences LLC: $300,000
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The truth is that genetically modified foods have shown up repeatedly in studies with links to cancer, infertility, gastrointestinal problems, birth defects, and even the altering of human DNA.
Help spread the word!
It should NOT matter how much money Monsanto and Big Food dump to fight GMO labelling. Everyone should be smart enough to vote “Yes” on GMO labelling. It is the ONLY way to vote! Actually, we should be voting “YES” to “BAN” all these Poisons, Period!
People today are researching and educating themselves as to what Poisons have been “FORCED on us and have been ingesting, usually unknowlingly. The public is finally realizing what the consequences of these poisons have been to our Health. These Poisons have been causing Disease amongst Humans, Animals, Insects, Air, Water, and the entire Planet. Governments have been turning a blind eye to all this, and wondering why Health Care and Disease, often time New Diseases are Escalating so rapidly!.
Colorado and all States wanting GMO labelling WILL WIN!
Monsanto and Big Food, Dow, Syngenta, GMA, BIG PHARMA etc. only care about their astronomical profits – NOT about our Health!
They are CORRUPT!
I live in CO and I’m voting YES! I do have to say, after reading the ballot measure there are some gray areas. They are leaving a lot of stuff out. Restaurants, certain types of foods etc. And the penalties for non-compliance are a joke. $1000 and up to 6 months in jail. Kind of ridiculous.