The Guy who Reversed Stage IV Prostate Cancer with Baking Soda and Molasses

Could you use something as simple as baking soda to treat cancer? One man, Vernon Johnston, says he used baking soda and molasses as the driving force to recover from aggressive stage 4 prostate cancer, which had even metastasized into his bone matter. As far as the medical establishment is concerned, you should never hear about this story. Disclaimer: This story is for educational purposes and should not be construed as medical advice.
His Brother’s Advice
After Vernon was diagnosed, Vernon’s brother Larry told him to work on raising his pH since cancer cannot thrive in a high or alkaline pH. Larry recommended cesium chloride to raise Vernon’s pH levels into a high alkaline level physiologically.
Vernon did not undergo any harmful orthodox treatments after he was diagnosed. That meant his alternative therapy would be more effective. He optimistically ordered the cesium chloride, but it got lost in the mail. So he frantically looked for another source of raising his pH level into the alkaline range.
That’s when he discovered the remedy of baking soda or bicarbonate of soda with maple syrup. Not having maple syrup in his kitchen, he decided to use the molasses that was handy. He was anxious to kill the cancer before it killed him.
Vernon’s Miraculous Results
Vernon recorded his daily treatment in a diary. His self applied treatment was the last phase of what he called his “dance with cancer”. The protocol he used included a good diet to promote alkalinity along with mineral and vitamin supplements, and lots of sunshine.
Vernon also practiced breathing exercises to assist the increased oxygenation initiated by the sudden pH rise from sodium bicarbonate. Anaerobic cancer cells cannot tolerate oxygen.
Cancer cells reportedly thrive on fermenting sugar instead of respirating oxygen for their survival. Maple syrup acts like a Trojan horse to allow high pH bicarbonate of soda to enter cancer cells and shock them with a sudden surge of alkalinity to oxygenate them and lead to their demise.
Molasses was all Vernon could use, but it worked and actually wound up creating a more solid mineral base for his nutritional support. Most experts recommend more than one protocol if one is doing it alone at home. Keep in mind that part of any alternative cancer therapy involves abstinence from processed foods and sugars – sugars especially fuel cancer growth.
Read: Blackstrap Molasses Benefits
After a few weeks, Vernon received a medical examination that confirmed his complete reversal of prostate and bone cancer. His 2008 story was written up in a local Anza area California newspaper, The Valley News in 2009. And yes, Vernon is still telling his story today.
The amazing abundance of alternative cancer solutions, some say over 100 and others say many more. There are the more notorious alternative cancer treatments that begin to develop into public practices and those that are inexpensive non-toxic remedies that slip by the Medical Monopoly virtually unnoticed – all a threat to the medical establishment.
We drink KANGEN alkaline water.
Does anyone have more detailed information about Vernon’s method? For instance, what was the ratio of Bicarb to Molasses? How much did he take and how frequently? Did he mix them together before swallowing? If people want to try this, it would be helpful to have for detail.
I’d like to know that also, but here’s never any useful detail in stories like this. Lots of sizzle and no steak.
All of you who want the details or complained of all sizzle and no steak simply glossed over the embedded hyperlink (see text bracketed in the article) that would lead you to it.
(under subheading of “Vernon’s Miraculous Results”)
Vernon in a diary. His self applied treatment was the last phase of what he called his “dance with cancer”. The protocol he used include …
So click the link and you’ll have the FULL STEAK. There are word limits to articles like this. That’s why embedded or stand-alone hyperlinked urls are used – to add info that couldn’t be included in the main body of text. Use ’em!
Mea culpa… I did find the protocol in the embedded link. We with tumors read so many data-less internet claims of “miracle cures” that we / I sometimes just skim the articles for signs of intelligent life. Sorry about that. So much to examine… so little time. I may actually try this. I’ve been hearing of it for a long time.
one portion of bicarb to three of molasses, a tee spoon taken several times in a day, preferably not with other meals. Do not use any high-temp processed oils! Use hemp or flax oil, rich in omega3 and 6 to let the cells absorb oxygen properly.
All of you who want the details or complained of all sizzle and no steak simply glossed over the embedded hyperlink (see text bracketed in the article) that would lead you to it.
(under subheading of “Vernon’s Miraculous Results”)
Vernon in a diary. His self applied treatment was the last phase of what he called his “dance with cancer”. The protocol he used include …
So click the link and you’ll have the FULL STEAK. There are word limits to articles like this. That’s why embedded or stand-alone hyperlinked urls – for you to get more info that couldn’t be included in the main body of text.
How much baking soda? How much molasses? What’s the recipe?
I was looking for that, too!!!
look up-country doctor cures cancer with baking soda and maple syrup
go to DOCTOR LEONARD COLDWELL’S WEBSITE. i think he’s the inventor of this. and it has to be with MAPLE SYRUP. he has all the instructions there.
At night before bed I boil a mug of water and pour it in a mug over 1 t baking soda and 1 t molasses. I allow it to cool and sip on it in bed while reading before sleep then brush my teeth. I’ve read it’s important for efficacy that you be as sedentary as possible after taking it.
All of you who want the details or complained of all sizzle and no steak simply glossed over the embedded hyperlink (see text bracketed in the article) that would lead you to it.
(under subheading of “Vernon’s Miraculous Results”)
Vernon in a diary. His self applied treatment was the last phase of what he called his “dance with cancer”. The protocol he used include …
So click the link and you’ll have the FULL STEAK. There are word limits to articles like this. That’s why embedded or stand-alone hyperlinked urls are used – for you to obtain more info.
I dont see the text or any text “bracketed ” Cant you or someone just copy and paste it here?
You’re right – the term baking powder was a bone head typo-type mistake. It’s baking soda, but right after my mistake bicarbonate of soda appeared often, and the title does say Baking Soda. Mea Culpa
In our country (NZ) Bicarbonate of Soda is actually more commonly called Baking Soda but most folks know it is actually Bicarb of Soda. In baking recipes it’s often (not always) referred to as Baking Soda.
This is an excellent informational article. I have truly enjoyed reading your views and thoughts on this subject. You have given me things to consider.
The disturbing thing about this article is the phrase “Vernon did not undergo any harmful orthodox treatments after he was diagnosed”. I ‘d be dead of breast cancer if I followed this advice. In those days 20 years ago, apricot pits and trips to Mexico we’re the alternate solutions. A
Friend who owns an organic grocery store was treated by his wife who ran the vitamin section with shares fin. He did not seek medical help because he felt good. Now at 54, he is in palliative care. Too little, too late.
Articles like this that encourage vulnerable and desperate patients to ignore medical research in favor of molasses and soda are doing harm by posing as more knowledgeable than the many research scientists whose goal is to cure people. Sure, take molasses, eat broccoli, bathe in orange juice, but don’t ignore medical science.
Sorry, Norman, I live in Canada where all my medical treatments are free. No one has ever told me there was only one treatment. I was always encouraged to take any harmless alternate path( all of which do cost money) I. Had the finest of compassionate care. sure I took the drugs recommended by my Medical team, continued to eat broccoli, cut out red meat and upped my exercise regimen. that was more than 20 years ago and with a 10 percent chance of living 5 years, I’m pretty happy. researchers are working hard to find better treatments. They discovered the gene that caused my cancer, and caught the second tumor because they knew the odds that I would have one was high THROUGH THEIR CAREFUL study.
I’ll take scientific proof over strawberries and baking soda (actually it’s baking powder) anyday.
Read the China Study and Whole by Colin T. Campbell, and check out The Gerson therapy, MacDougall, Bernard, Essylstyn, Ornish etc. Eating a whole, raw, plant based diet is scientifically the most effective treatment we know of. Irradiating your body is a cruel and medieval practise, I don’t doubt people will look back and scoff like we do now and so many old medical practises.
Vernon Johnston was already in stage IV, and the oncologists told him that there were no orthodox treatments that could cure him. So he didn’t opt for the Baking soda and molasses treatment protocol instead of an orthodox treatment, he did it because he had nothing to lose. He was dying. He doesn’t promote the idea of declining orthodox treatment – he simply tells his story and tries to spread the story of how he was cured. It’s ok that you find the article disturbing, just stick with the orthodox treatment, whatever. But I think it’s absolutely great that Vernon’s story gets the attention it deserves, so that what worked for him may save others.
There is no explanation of how he used it: drink? eat? rub on the affected area? mix with food?
Enquiring minds want to know.
I have heard that you mix it in a glass of water and drink it.
phkillscancer .com/protocol/
When you buy Baking Soda in Supermarkets it has Aluminium as a very disturbing content. Aluminium is one of the causes for Alzheimer.
Look for Aluminium free Baking Soda.
Both Red Mill and Traders Joes have no Aluminum in them, neither, according to the manufacturer does Arm and Hammer and, are you sitting down?, Wal-Mart brand.
i contacted RED MILL because before it used to SAY ON THE LABEL “aluminum free” then it stopped saying that. so i asked them. they said that they cant put “aluminum free” anymore cause it DOES have TRACES of NATURAL aluminum in it, (not ADDED aluminum, BUT still, it does have it NATURALLY), so they dont want to mislead people. they said that the NATURAL aluminum in it is not bad and that its part of nature, but i dont know…. i’m gonna contact Trader Joes, i didnt know they made one without aluminum… but then again, it might NOT REALLY BE free of aluminum if RED MILLS is NOT.
Baking powder has aluminum baking soda does not or very little.
Baking SODA regardless of the brand doesn’t contain aluminum, Baking POWDER does, but baking powder is not what is being suggested.
I have had a small SCAB type formation on my scalp for OVER 3 years and ONLY Sodium bicarbonate( Baking soda) applied DIRECTLY to the scab, has cured or controlled it. It IS gone but I haven’t tested to see if it can return, which is why I also added “controlled”
Did I miss something? What proportions did he use and how often?
There is an ex-Italilan doctor who was thrown out of the Medical profession (read online) for treating cancer patients with baking soda because he believed that cancer is a fungus and baking soda is the most effective treatment for fungus infections.Cancer shows up white under a microscope. He was successful but the powers that be were not happy at all.
So much for an affordable treatment….Big Pharma can’t make money on it nor can they patent it.
i think the original idea of baking soda ans maple syrup is from DR. LEONARD COLDWELL. go to his website and he has all the instructions there. he actually has a LOT of info! he also has boks, and i imagine the proportions and everything is in there. i met him in person, and asked him. he told me. i have it written down. i do remember he told me that u have to COOK the maple syrup and the baking soda TOGETHER until it forms caramel, then make hard candy with it and suck on those throughout the day.
Another helpful bit of info I found about that I’d to take it right before bed. The glucose in the molasses which is what lures the cancer cells in can be used up quickly by muscles if you’re too active after taking it. This person’s theory was to take it before a period of being sedentary for mist effectiveness, that seemed reasonable to me so I’ve been taking it as a tonic before bed. I don’t have cancer but other health issues as the result of conventional medical treatment.
Kind of off-topic, but I was interested in the article because my mother used to give us molasses and baking soda for coughs when I was a kid…(more than 60, but less than 72 years ago.;). It foamed up furiously, and didn’t taste too bad. Don’t remember if it worked, though!
I have read the article carefully twice and cannot find the amounts of Baking Soda and Molasses he used. Does anyone know?
phkillscancer .com/protocol/
if you have to stay away from SUGARS so that cancer doesnt have “fuel” to grow, then whats with the MAPLE SYRUP? doesnt that have sugars too? thats confusing…. does someone have an ACCURATE and REAL explanation?
I think I read somewhere that the molasses which is sugar is the catalyst that carries the baking soda to the cancerous tumor and the cells since cancer feeds on sugar, therefore, the baking soda can do the job of killing the cancer which Dr Simoncini believes cancer is (a fungus)
Can anyone confirm this as why the maple syrup or molasses?
HIgh Alkalinity kills viruses possible also urine could work?
Well I have Stage 4 Cervical Cancer. Im tying this for the first time. Ipray to God that this really works.Im scared at the same time. When my mom made the Maple syrup and Baking Soda elixir, It really didn’t taste too good but I pray to God it will work. I have great faith in Him.
For the person who was interested to know why maple syrup is used. A friend who has undergone the procedure, told me that when looking for the cancer they knew was in her body somewhere, a hospital fed sugar syrup through radio isotopes which then travelled intravenously through her body. Cancer, wherever it was in the body, grabbed the sugar and the piggybacked isotope glowed radioactively, thus showing the radiographer where the cancer was. Cancer craves sugar and presumably will absorb whatever it is the sugar is carrying.
RIP Vernon Johnston, June 2014
Here’s a video where his mixing the drink