1. blank SkepticalVegan says:

    This sounds like a good thing. University's shouldn't be giving legitimacy to quackery. Do you really think that ALL form of alt med are legitamite? Homeopathy, chiropractic, iridology, osteopathy, ect all have for the most part mutually exclusive explanations for the root cause of disease and for how to diagnose and treat it. These different forms of alt med are not consistent with each other, perhaps one of them is right, but they cant all be right.

    So how do we know which ones work and which dont? We experiment from which we get evidence-based medicine…which is what universities should teach.

    1. Always be skeptical. But remember, Authority is not truth, thruth is authority.

      Let us start a news healthcare model where we only pay when we are cured.

      Bring it on.

      1. Hi Robert,

        As a university trained naturopath on the threshold of beginning a law degree here in Australia, I am very looking forward to exploring indepth the issues you raise in your reply. You might like to check this link out http://corporatecrimereporter.com/top100.html

    2. "We experiment from which we get evidence-based medicine" – if only that was the case. Unfortunately there is no major investment in alternative medicine research because alternative medicine does not offer the same commercialisation opportunities as 'disease-management' treatments, ie: pharmaceutical products. Only big bucks will buy you the real scientific research – straight from big pharma, who are ready to fund all the 'evidence' we need for expensive and ineffective cures. Fortunately people are waking up to the dodgy PR and marketing behind mainstream medicine and its 'quackwatch' counterparts…Friends of Science in Medicine included…Read Sharon Beder's book, 'Global Spin' for a sample of tried and tested PR techniques which are used now by every industry, health care included…

    3. blank Reductionists r US says:

      There is an important distinction between healthy critical thinking and the type of reductionist pseudoskepticsm at play here.

      For a start, the entire 'evidence based' approach is treated as objective truth. It isnt – it is a mean of investigation. It has some very poor aspects. There are many people who are very critical of it's use in medicine and psychology.

      Pseudoskeptics in actuality seek to impose orthodoxy – a kind of cognitive monoculture. Their response to this accusation is often hilarious – saying "Well, why not publish in journals" when the "journals" are run by pseudoskeptics themselves who exert enormous peer pressure on each other to dismiss the novel, the different. They play the game of claiming objectivity, when actually underlying that is quite the fascist little mindset.

      Weasel words such as 'quackery' and "WOO" are used to close down debate.

      The degree of self-righteous arrogance of many pseudoskeptics is on a parallel with religious fundamentalists. They see themselves as out to protect people from themselves and everything which lacks their imprimatur is heresy.

    4. blank TROLL SLAYER says:

      the big pharma monopoly is the biggest peddler of quackery and the 2nd leading cause of death in this country….rigged medical studies with bought and paid regulators have turned the american people into fleeced poison victims

    5. blank Waxing philosophical says:

      legitamite – vegemite?

    6. blank Anonymous says:

      Man are you Naive!!

  2. Since the medical system is basically run for the benefit of organized crime namely the pharmaceutical industry then it is this virtual monoply that should be banned. Big Pharma are fined billions of dollars for fraud, bribery and fixing studies yet because of the political contributions and mega funded lobby groups they pay the fines with a sly smile and carry on with their next crime since their price fixing earns then the highest profit if any industry in the world. They long ago gave up the pretence of health care and curing disease. They now call themselves, disease managemnt organisations.

    The fact that your doctor is allowed to be influenced by these common criminals is the crime of the millenium.

    1. Sorry about the spelling, it goes wrong when I am angry.

  3. It isn't about the "best" medicine, it is about Freedom of Choice.

    If I believe that alternative medicine (which has been practiced for thousands of years) is better for me than modern medicine (which practices pumping you full of drugs and chemicals) then I should have that right.

  4. blank amicus curiae says:

    we have a few vocal anti choice media players helping push the no choice but pharma line here.

    our ABC radio(govt) is right behind and in it.

    Skeptical vegan..Bowen therapies combine methodology, ie iridology to help diagnose and a blend of chiro,reiki etc etc type depending on what ails you, its a seamless ransition and it works.

    unlike big med. the alternatives dont tend to kill you.

    if it doesnt work normally no harm is done and you live to try another means. unlike mainstream.

    its about choice and freedom TO choose.

    this is another codex and regulatory takeover, forced vaccines are next on their dirty agenda.

  5. They want no competition! Money and control is the objective. Most medical procedures are not tested nor scientific, and few improve the quality of life for patients (except removing a kidney stone, a burst appendix, broken bone, etc.). But Allopathic medicine offers designer drugs (profit based) as the treatment of choice! They hide behind the idea of 'scientific based evidence' to push their profit agenda of designer killer drugs, designer radiation therapy, etc. Fear is the number one reason why a patient consult with a doctor, and allopathic medicine are experts on the use of fear to promote their forms of treatment. To stay healthy you have to get informed and take responsibility of your own health. Don't delegate the responsibility of your own health to someone just because he/she graduated from a prestigious university! You should know by now why these universities are prestigious!!

    "The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good honest hard-working people . . . white collar, blue collar it doesnt matter what color shirt you have on." George Carlin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwynM8m47mE&fe

  6. I just watched a documentary that covered a lot of these things last night on Netflix. It's called Food Matters, very informative and eye opening.|!

  7. Thanks for supporting our petition, it is much appreciated. Whether you believe in natural medicine (which I do) or not, you cannot believe that the best way to advance scientific knowledge is to ban study at university. It is simply counter-intuitive and dare I say, unscientific.

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