1. blank Jesus Wept says:

    Is that the same FDA who allows food packaging to contain gender-bending fertility-reducing BPA and pollutes the water supply with neurotoxic Fluoride?

  2. And, if they get Senate Bill S-510 passed, it will be illegal to grow, sell, or trade your own produce! Already in some states you cannot "divert water" from going down stream by collecting rain water that falls onto your own roof! Big Brother…if you are watching…I will give up gardening when you pry my hoe from my cold, dead fingers!

  3. So the next question.

    Which company will be the Halliburton of the food business. &&& which present government official will be the Dick 'Cheatiny' screwing the citizens up against the wall.?.

  4. blank Mauricio Carrasco says:

    This reminds me of the Stevita when they couldn't market their products as sweeteners. Although the "reasons" were different it still portraits how stupid this FDA cartel is.

  5. "…MAY help lower cholesterol…"

    "…omega-3s SEEM TO WORK by…"

    "…ARE THOUGHT TO BE responsible…"

    What's the difference with these statements and those every other product "promises"? No definite statements at all. The above statements are true.

    Instead of calling walnuts "drugs", they could have easily gone to court and gotten a judge to have the marketing comments changed/removed. If the marketing is the problem, go after the marketing. DUH! Do they want money or power?

  6. blank Saba Miselya says:

    I have been using walnuts for more than 3months now. My weight was 71kg before using walnuts, after 3months my weight goes down to 65.5kg, then i come to conclude

    that walnuts prevents obesity. And in addition to that my sexual performance improved, now i am scoring a minimum of 3goals per match, which in before i was scoring 1 goal per week.

    Walnuts is powerful nut, let people eat.

    1. blank Jim S. Smith says:

      Brazil nuts are awesome also!

      I love them.

  7. The FDA has done more harm then good and the fact that you backing the FDA, the ones who allows high fructose corn syrup to be put in most foods and drinks, on a labeling claim problem is absurd! The FDA does not look out for the average American citizen, they look out for the corporate elite. Allowing chemicals and other toxic additives be added to our food just so how poorly they fulfill their duties.

  8. blank Anonymous says:

    Leandra999 wrote:

    >>FDA actually does have our interests here>>—————————————

    Are you crazy! The FDA does not and never has had our best interest! They are an evil corrupt system of "government". They will feed you poison for their profit.

  9. FDA leadership, not wrong, just evil

  10. Oh yeah, FDA you can inspect my nuts :-0

    and * my (_!_)

  11. Everything we eat or drink influences our health. Water, for example, prevents dehydration and thereby a host of serious illnesses. The FDA apparently wants to regulate the entire supermarket. How long will it take to approve all of the fruits and vegetables in the 'produce' section of the store alone? Whoever made this decision on walnuts should be fired and his name made public, so we can properly ridicule him or her.

    1. You would have to fire every supervisor and most of the staff to begin to remove the lunacy from the FDA and most gevernment agencies.

  12. The FDA meets the requirements of a terrorist organization.

  13. Food for death administration

  14. By this lunatic legal nonsense, I think breathing unpolluted air and drinking clean water would also fall into FDA's definition of health-inducing drugs that need approval prior to anyone promoting such "novel" concepts. In these times where multinationals are copyrighting bird songs and having been given many of the same rights as a human being by insane Supreme Court decisions, that begs the question of when we will be individually installed with a regulatory meter on our breathing, eating and drinking.

    1. blank Jim S. Smith says:

      The CONgress already had “talked about” taxing the air we breathe!

      I kid you not! I saw it, in writing as transcribed from their very mouths.

  15. blank Donna Colantuno says:

    I have read that one day vitamins will be considered "drugs" by the FDA. I've also read that nutrients will also be considered drugs and will be taken out of our food. That day is soon approaching!!! Wake Up People and become AWARE of what is happening!

    1. blank Jim S. Smith says:

      Already happening within the walls of the “International CODEX”. They consider vitamins and naturally occurring minerals “toxins” – to be regulated.

  16. blank Brimstone says:

    The FDA can allow food companies like Kraft and some others to include "dried human fetuses" into seasonings, chocolates, cookies and other snacks and foods to turn humans into cannibals but Walnuts are illegal drugs to them. Why are we humans accepting this CRAP from these aliens living on our planet?

  17. blank cameowalkin says:

    When a raw diet is absolutely necessary (such as when fighting cancer), it's very hard to find out which foods are raw. The FDA says it's OK to irradiate nuts and label them "raw" (ever since 2007). I'd like to see mandatory warnings on all nuts that have been irradiated.

  18. blank Jim S. Smith says:



    And to think just HOW MANY average Americans off-handedly believe all of the NON-sense that the “media” and the so-called “EGG-spurts” spout off day after day!

    I am having a very hard time in trusting what is left of what once used to be known as “science”. I was a “science nut” throughout my childhood, and most of the so-called experts have very little actual scientific-reference to their vain and foolish arguments.

    Show’em up, Mike! Just goes to prove that you don’t need a “degree” by the system to understand what is really going on!

    Again, BRAVO!!!

    – Rev. Jim

  19. Seems like FDA is assisting Government with deficit – let people eat foods laden with high fructose corn syrup but not healthy foods like walnuts so that more people will die early – hence less dollars spent on Social Security & Medicare.

  20. What I would like to know is where the common sense plays out in all this. The foods we eat have an affect on our health, good or bad. What doesn't make sense is the FDA should be more strict on those manufacturers who sell food that is harmful and make sure they are labeling the risk. They really need to stick to one set of rules. The problem is they are all over the board with this issue.

  21. Having read the FDA complaint, I would say this is blown out of proportion. The complaint says that the diamond nut company cannot market their product with claims that are not proven. Plain and simple.

  22. blank ladykatie25 says:

    But Dr. Oz is always saying that about walnuts.

  23. blank Robert Custer says:

    If the FDA were a cereal they would be snap crackle and duh because they are so stupid they make Dennis Rodman seem smart and normal!

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