1. This is awesome news. You can tell a lot about a country by what they follow blindly, but you can tell more about them by what they stand up for and refuse to be a part of. Let’s hope the rest of the world pays attention to this brave move.

  2. Will the soon to be enacted TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) interfere with banning GMOs? This Treaty will allow companies to sue governments which pass laws which affect their profits. Unbelieveable! But true.

    1. Agreed, Penelope.EVERYONE should be educating themselves about the secretive TPP negotiations taking place which will benefit only the corporations. Barriers to trade, such as refusal to renew pharmaceutical patents, GMO or country of origin labelling etc etc, will subject the offending country to litigation and compensation requirements. These “lawsuits” are to be conducted at secret global tribunals. Attendance at these negotiations is very limited for elected governmental representatives but 600 representatives of multinational corporations are privy to, and forming policy, regarding the details of these trade agreements. Canadian taxpayers right now are facing a $500 million lawsuit under NAFTA agreement from pharmaceutical giant Eli-Lily for their governments refusal to renew a patent on one of Eli-Lily’s drugs and the TPP has been referred to as NAFTA on steroids. Make some noise, ask questions, inform yourself.

  3. blank Thomas Irl Russell says:

    We are behind but we will get there one day !
    We can vote them out with what we Buy and Educate as to what is going on !

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